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I was about 10 minutes from being done with my workout this morning (P90) and all of a sudden my electric goes out. No biggie. I know the routine pretty well. I finished P90 on my own. I called AEP to report it. She said "yeah, we're doing maintenance on your road replacing poles". I look out the window and sure enough, trucks are down there working.


1. Why in the fuck are you cutting electric to houses IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING WINTER?!?!?! It was 25 mother fucking degrees this morning when they cut power.


2. Why was I not notified that this was going to happen? If I would have been notified, I could have worked around it. But, noooooo.


She didn't have an answer for me. All she said was that they are not required to notify customers. I said, "Well then it's bullshit that you are not required to notify us if you are going to cut power, but I'm required to pay the fucking bill". Then I hung up. I was pissed and had to get ready for work.


But, there it was, 9:30 in the morning. I had to be at work at 10am. I just finished up my workout. I needed a shower. I have well water. The inside temp is dropping quickly. Ready. Set. Go! That was the quickest fucking shower I have ever taken, washing vitals only. Water was trickling out of the shower head as I was trying to rinse off.


Even though that was a quick shower, how did I end up being late for work? Oh, because my garage door wouldn't go up when I pushed the fucking button!!! I had to use the pull cord to release the door, raise it by hand, back the truck out, put the door back down, fight with the pull cord to lock back in place, go all the way through the house, out the front door, and walk all the way back around to my truck.


So, is there any recourse here? Is there someone at AEP that I can talk to about this shit? The lady's attitude this morning was a "That sucks" attitude. She didn't care. I should get a discount off my next bill or something to make up for what I had to go through today. Any ideas here?

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I should get a discount off my next bill or something to make up for what I had to go through today. Any ideas here?


You will get a discount. As a result of you not having any power, you will *gasp* NOT be charged for any electricity use during the time you didn't have power. IMAGINE THAT

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I agree with Mike, in the summer this wouldn't be too big of a deal but in the winter time when we rely on heat that's total bullshit... unless this was something that had to be done now and couldn't wait.


Thanks Josh. The rest of you can EAD. They were replacing poles that were solid and still standing. Why the hell did it have to be done now? I'm sure it could have waited until spring.

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Thanks Josh. The rest of you can EAD. They were replacing poles that were solid and still standing. Why the hell did it have to be done now? I'm sure it could have waited until spring.


Ever heard of preventive maintenance? You don't wait till your timing belt breaks to replace it. You don't wait till a power pole falls down to put a new one up either.


You would be just as angry if they did wait till spring and something failed now as a result of it.

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Ever heard of preventive maintenance? You don't wait till your timing belt breaks to replace it. You don't wait till a power pole falls down to put a new one up either.


You would be just as angry if they did wait till spring and something failed now as a result of it.


No. But I've heard of preventative maintenance.


I wouldn't have been as upset if a pole would have snapped and NEEDED replaced. The poles that were there were fine. It could have waited until spring.

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You will get a discount. As a result of you not having any power, you will *gasp* NOT be charged for any electricity use during the time you didn't have power. IMAGINE THAT


No. My furnace and heat pump will have to run a lot longer than normal to bring the house back up to temperature. IMAGINE THAT

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its redic that your complaining because the power company temporarily cut power to your house so they can continue providing power to your house. your makin it seem like they cut your balls off or something. yeah so what, a cool shower and having to walk through the house to get out instead of through the garage.
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No. But I've heard of preventative maintenance.


I wouldn't have been as upset if a pole would have snapped and NEEDED replaced. The poles that were there were fine. It could have waited until spring.


There is a controversy of sorts regarding the propriety of the usage “preventative.”[1][2][3] The consensus of internet entries concerning the respective usages seems to indicate that “preventive” is the preferred term. [4].




All I'm saying is unless you work for AEP, you really don't know whether the poles were fine or not. Just let them do their work and don't get hung up on such stupid shit.

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its redic that your complaining because the power company temporarily cut power to your house so they can continue providing power to your house. your makin it seem like they cut your balls off or something. yeah so what, a cool shower and having to walk through the house to get out instead of through the garage.


Next thread will be about how his Time Warner service cut out for 2 minutes and he missed "Glee".

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Maybe what you all don't understand about well water is that a pump has to run to keep pressure in the tank. Without pressure in the tank, water cannot make it up the lines. What is required to make the pump run? ELECTRICITY!!!

Once you grow up and become a homeowner outside of having access to city water, maybe then you'll understand.

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There is a controversy of sorts regarding the propriety of the usage “preventative.”[1][2][3] The consensus of internet entries concerning the respective usages seems to indicate that “preventive” is the preferred term. [4].




All I'm saying is unless you work for AEP, you really don't know whether the poles were fine or not. Just let them do their work and don't get hung up on such stupid shit.



If they want to do preventive maintenance, maybe they should come out and cut the branches off of the evergreen tree that are resting right on the fucking power lines in front of my house. Oh yeah, I called them 2 years ago requesting they do that.


They have absolutely no respect for homeowners.

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