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  Phil said:
Please respond to a post without posting a pic/ youtube video/ or some deep thought of cock. Thanks





Phil I find it much easier for people (especially like you) to understand pictures. Trying to argue or debate with you is like trying to deal with a small child. I feel very warm and fuzzy you took the time to make a thread about this.

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  Wagner said:



Phil I find it much easier for people (especially like you) to understand pictures. Trying to argue or debate with you is like trying to deal with a small child. I feel very warm and fuzzy you took the time to make a thread about this.



By no means does it piss me off, I jus find it funny that you try so hard to be funny. You remind me of the kid In hs that tried to draw attention to himself by doing jackass stunts because he couldn't find anyone to speak to him otherwise. I bet when your wife yells at you instead of putting your man pants on, you slap your chef boy rd noodles in the wall go to your angry pics folder and pull them up and show her don't you. Shows her your really an angry little boy.

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  Buck531 said:
You can take your racquetball club, turn it sideways and stick it up your candy ass!



When is the last time you were physically active? No beating off with a sweat suite in a sauna doesn't count, and neither does speed eating. :gtfo:

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What you are looking at is not text... This is a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign while holding a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has what looks to be a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign... wrapped in bacon.
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  Phil said:
By no means does it piss me off, I jus find it funny that you try so hard to be funny. You remind me of the kid In hs that tried to draw attention to himself by doing jackass stunts because he couldn't find anyone to speak to him otherwise. I bet when your wife yells at you instead of putting your man pants on, you slap your chef boy rd noodles in the wall go to your angry pics folder and pull them up and show her don't you. Shows her your really an angry little boy.


I don't need to try :) I did jackass stunts when I was a kid because I was a jackass. I don't need to put my man pants on because I wear them 24/7.


Any other failbus tries? I guess I could be like you and put "fag" at the end of about everything? Talk about cock refrences! Phil do you have some sort of homoerotic fix on the gay cluture?


So please carry on with your text wall attacks filled with bad grammer and text talk. I need a good laugh today.

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  V8 Beast said:
What you are looking at is not text... This is a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign while holding a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has what looks to be a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign... wrapped in bacon.



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  Wagner said:
I don't need to try :) I did jackass stunts when I was a kid because I was a jackass. I don't need to put my man pants on because I wear them 24/7.


Any other failbus tries? I guess I could be like you and put "fag" at the end of about everything? Talk about cock refrences! Phil do you have some sort of homoerotic fix on the gay cluture?


So please carry on with your text wall attacks filled with bad grammer and text talk. I need a good laugh today.



Your man pants have suspenders and a multi-studded belt holes. Really tough, I bet you scare the little boys in the neighborhood with those on don you? And it looks like txt cuz I'm on a phone in class. Off topics


Any medical class when your not trying to be a doctor or emt is useless! On topic


Brian makes the funeh, billy you do not. And no I haven't put the fag sig by anything in quite sometime but I do see it has caught on with some of the comrads on here. So you can hop on the failboat with me. Now post a pic to show me what you wanna say cause god knows its coming

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  Phil said:
Your man pants have suspenders and a multi-studded belt holes. Really tough, I bet you scare the little boys in the neighborhood with those on don you? And it looks like txt cuz I'm on a phone in class. Off topics


Any medical class when your not trying to be a doctor or emt is useless! On topic


Brian makes the funeh, billy you do not. And no I haven't put the fag sig by anything in quite sometime but I do see it has caught on with some of the comrads on here. So you can hop on the failboat with me. Now post a pic to show me what you wanna say cause god knows its coming




You should pay attention in class Phil, you are paying for it get the most out of it.


Don't forget I am the captain of the failboat and you are my firstmate. Now get in the cabin and make me a ham sammich!

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  Wagner said:


You should pay attention in class Phil, you are paying for it get the most out of it.


Don't forget I am the captain of the failboat and you are my firstmate. Now get in the cabin and make me a ham sammich!


We ain't got no ham man we haz turkey!!!


And I'm not paying for this shit, osu is doing it fo free to keep me in this bitch til spring 1/4 so they can use me at nationals. I payed my last $ to this school in the fall. This is on there dime I don't need these classes. I wanted to take golf but it was full from other athletes :lol:

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  Phil said:
We ain't got no ham man we haz turkey!!!


And I'm not paying for this shit, osu is doing it fo free to keep me in this bitch til spring 1/4 so they can use me at nationals. I payed my last $ to this school in the fall. This is on there dime I don't need these classes. I wanted to take golf but it was full from other athletes :lol:


You should have taken underwater basket weaving or Lesbian Asian Studies.

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  Wagner said:
You should have taken underwater basket weaving or Lesbian Asian Studies.


Funny story about that; so here at osu you can create your own major. Now, it has t have a lot of credibilty, you have to prove how it can help future students as well as provide an beneficial service to the world. So, my soph yr me and my dude got hi as shit and decided we were gonna major in pimpolegy. Or the study or trick'n. So we had to come up with a name, and a educational scheme. We worked for almost a wk to get serious info to presnet it to our advisor. We set up an apt, go in (still hi) and make this presentation. It was called - pimping as an art form. We felt there was enough money to be made if a gig was run proffesionally and seeing as we could provide a service to the general public, the same way a movie store does it could work. Needless to say she kicked us out, and now I'm going to be a gym teacher. But lesbian asain studies, now that coulda worked!

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