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Babysitter BJ class


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Though the year is new, Erin Ridenhour has made an impressive debut in her quest for 2011's Worst Mom in America title. The 29-year-old from Columbia, Missouri has two kids, ages 5 and 8. She needed to leave the house for awhile, so she got three teens to babysit...



And just so the sitters would enjoy themselves, she provided the girls -- ages 14-16 -- some alcohol.


Ridenhour would only be gone for about an hour, but she'd return with more booze and a few hits of the prescription stimulant Adderall. That's when she decided that their girl party could use a little male influence. So she invited over a man, telling the girls they should say they were 18 if he asked.


When the man arrived, Ridenhour decided to disrobe and give him a blow job. Isn't that what every mom does while entertaining the babysitters? And since the girls were apparently unversed in the sexual arts, Ridenhour even demonstrated how a proper blow job should be conducted.


When the lecture was concluded, two of the girls took turns practicing their newfound skills on the man as Ridenhour cheered them on. Then she provided the man with condoms and told them all to have fun. The man had intercourse with two of the girls, but couldn't get it up for the third.


There's no word how police learned of Ridenhour's educational work; we're assuming the girls told someone. But she's now charged with sexual misconduct and endangering the welfare of a child.


The man, however, has thus far escaped charges, since Ridenhour won't give him up. He's described as black, in his 20s, between 5-foot-6 and 5-foot-10 and muscular. (Special thanks to reader Jude for the tip.)



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