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I see American Car quality hasn't improved. This is a 2011 Grand Marquies with 2,000 miles on it. It was a rental... All i did was open the passenger door and when i closed it I noticed it had ripped this piece off.





The fucking trim didn't have glue on the top part of the trim piece. That's clearly a quality control issue, which is what has made American cars crap for so long. I thought they had gotten better in the last 5 years but, it doesn't look like it.


Not to mention, this car had a V8 that only had 224HP with 15/24 Fuel economy... REALLY? It was comfy i guess.


I would be SOOO pissed if i just dropped 30K on this car and 2k miles later this happens....

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It's a shame my tax money went to saving this sorry ass company that can't even manage to get trim to stay on the door for more than a month after paying 30k for their shitty vehicle.

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It's a shame my tax money went to saving this sorry ass company that can't even manage to get trim to stay on the door for more than a month after paying 30k for their shitty vehicle.


Um, Ford didn't take the money. :confused: Should I lock the thread now to save you further self inflicted embarrassment?

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Yes, this $2 piece of trim is the sole reason why American made cars suck :gtfo:


It is actually. The lack of attention to detail, cutting corners and making shit products is the problem.


To quote Clarkson, "It was rubbish when it was new, it was built by idiots, and it’s rubbish now."

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yeah, 1 car small situation on 1 car is a great reason to say american cars are junk. God only knows what dumb shit the owner could have done to cause this.


Fuck you and your dumb thread.


Dont worry about the 280k ford cars that have been recalled this week.

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It is actually. The lack of attention to detail, cutting corners and making shit products is the problem.


To quote Clarkson, "It was rubbish when it was new, it was built by idiots, and it’s rubbish now."


you don't get it so maybe u should.. :gtfo:


I do "get it" actually, but it's foolish to blame this single piece of trim on the overall quality of every American-built car & car company.


Let's pick this apart a bit.


The car is an '11, so as soon as it left the plant, it has been in sub-zero temperatures, most likely contributing to the 3M double sided tape not adhering properly. I'm sure when the trim was installed at the plant, it was "stuck" on correctly. If you wanna blame anyone, blame the manufacturer of the double sided tape.

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I'm not saying build quality on new American cars is amazing, but I'd absolutely not base my opinion of a whole manufacturer off of one car - particularly a rental car.


Also, I have been in plenty of new imports that are no better.



I am not the only one... What, do they only overlook build quality on rental cars?


Yup. I had a rental new Camaro in Vegas, the pleather started peeling off the steering wheel, front bumper moves about 3 inches when you gently push on it.
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I do "get it" actually, but it's foolish to blame this single piece of trim on the overall quality of every American-built car & car company.


Let's pick this apart a bit.


The car is an '11, so as soon as it left the plant, it has been in sub-zero temperatures, most likely contributing to the 3M double sided tape not adhering properly. I'm sure when the trim was installed at the plant, it was "stuck" on correctly. If you wanna blame anyone, blame the manufacturer of the double sided tape.


It WASN'T double sided tape that held it on. It was glue, and it was ONLY glued AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TRIM PIECE.... MEANING, that the build quality was OVERLOOKED. Had there been glue on BOTH ENDS LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO... It would have been fine!!! SO, it is about the quality of the product leaving these production facilities for this company.


Get it?

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It WASN'T double sided tape that held it on. It was glue, and it was ONLY glued AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TRIM PIECE.... MEANING, that the build quality was OVERLOOKED. Had there been glue on BOTH ENDS LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO... It would have been fine!!! SO, it is about the quality of the product leaving these production facilities for this company.


Get it?


So Ford manufactures glue now?

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