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Got my GMHTP April edition today, Congrats Mark and Ray


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Thanks Mark, Both of the articles are fantastic and I love the poster of your car. I was so depressed when I lost the true street to a stupid mistake, I really dont remember the last time I felt that bad about myself. To then come back to the pits and find the GMHTP crew waiting for me was a real lift. There must have been 10 of us swarming the car cleaning all the stickers off and cleaning the car. It looked like a nascar pit stop lol.

We were on an industrial road near a railroad crossing shooting the pictures and up comes Barney Fife. (not even a real cop) Now the guys at GMHTP say dont worry usually the cops stop traffic and are really cool about these shoots. Mind you there is NO traffic, NO cars being held up it was all cool. Well this guy starts going off hollering we need to leave then starts in on we are not moving fast enough and we need to get out of there ASAP. Like we need to run or something. It was hillarious his face was getting all red I was hoping he would pop a vein as the crew kept shooting pictures.

Best part was the next morning I went into the store to buy some ice and drinks. When I came out the guys I am with point to a white HHR at the gas pumps that was identicle to the one the GMHTP was driving and said Justin wanted to talk to me. So I eagerly go over the the car and just before I get there this old white haired woman gets out. They really got me good and laughed so hard they cried.

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