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FaceBook users beware!


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..thats why my username is wrillo (William Rillo). Online privacy is an oxymoron

True. You see my full name right there in my sig, and I have a website called davidrosso.com , really not tryin to hide here either :p

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I found a new virus a few months ago and reported it to Avira, which was the antivirus I used at the time. I switched back to mcafee enterprise 8.7i, because although Avira had a better detection rate, they could not hook your system like mcafee, and actually prevent infection.

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People, please, don't be retarded. The link to watch the video itself should be a warning flag; people know their friends and how they typically operate. If I got a Facebook message from someone who very rarely sends messages, especially one directing me to an off-website video (Facebook can embed youtube videos, so it should just play in the page without having to go to youtube itself), I would be very suspicious. I would inspect the link closely; it most assuredly wouldn't be an actually http://www.youtube.com/ page, which would immediately tell me to get the hell off of the site. However, if that does manage to slip by, the fake "flash update" should be a MAJOR red flag. Always look at things closely before clicking "nextnextnextnextoknextnextiacceptnextnext".

Also, if anyone that reads this and did get infected by the worm, I'm sorry it happened to you. Just to make you feel better, I've got a rich uncle in Nigeria who has a ton of money in escrow that we need some help transferring to the States; we just need someone not related to us to accept the money into their bank account. You can keep 40% of the 80 million dollars, just send me your bank account details and we'll take care of the rest!

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