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"FUCK you if you don't like this song" VOL 1


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I am going to "chef Ramsey" all your asses into understanding music. One song at a time at random. Car guys usually don't kno shit abotu music. They just listen to what's on the radio. I am going to educate you one song at a time.


So stop listening to Limp/Linkin Park/Biscuit, House Techno "weird people dancing with baggy pants" shit , and replays of "The Verve's" graduation song that you can't let go of because you were awesome in highschool.



Come get a clue



Song 1



The Misfits are a band from the late 70's. Influenced by everything; they created their sound all their own. Lead singer Glenn Danzig was young as shit when they started (and is a little guy). They broke up probably in the late 80's (i could be wrong) and Re-formed sometime in the late 90's (i think 1997) with a new singer (michael graves) and they SUCKED (i saw them live at the Agora). They also then got ANOTHER new singer and dont suck as bad... but still suck.


You can tell me that you think the ramones and the sex pistols pioneer'd punk rock but you are wrong. In fact I can make an argument that "The Who" were the first official punk rock band but that's for another time. Either way, the Misfits are one of the top 3 influential bands of the punk rock movement.


Fuck you if you don't like this song.


EDIT - just ot clarify, i post songs, you do not, BIRCH!!!

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Random fact: Believe it or not Tom Petty was called punk back in the 70s. LOL this article was from "Backdoor Man" which obviously meant something else back then. but aside from that.. saying "call me a punk and I'll fucking cut you" is pretty bad-ass



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I understand the roots of where music comes from and i appreciate those who layed the ground work for what we listen to today, but that was awful. Musically, lyrically, just bad.


And no i dont listen to the mainstream garbage that spews out of the speakers when ever you turn a radio on in the car. Pandora / Itunes collection ftw.

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OP is a music snob. It's good to introduce people to new music they might like, but, I feel like you are missing the point of music.


True. Music is about listening to what you like; what stirs you... no matter how much it sucks. :D


Hmm... Completely different subject, but didn't you tell me about Kelly Clarkson greatest hits cd you compiled awhile back? ;) I was just curious.

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Hmm... Completely different subject, but didn't you tell me about Kelly Clarkson greatest hits cd you compiled awhile back? ;) I was just curious.


No, it was a Hannah Montana AND Miley Cyrus dual artist greatest hits so far collaboration CD. Still pissed you didn't get one I see...

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The Kinks

Iggy Pop and the Stooges


Velvet Underground/Lou Reed


Don't make me go on!


Holy shit I never knew there were people on this forum with actual good taste in music. Sister Ray is one of my favorite songs of all time. And Funhouse is just a great album from start to finish.


We need a thread that you can only post in if you solemnly swear that you have never thought to yourself, "Hey, this Nickelback song is pretttttty good."

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Catchy. But I hear nothing above and beyond what any high school kid could scream at a talent contest.


High school kids today are not, for the most part, writing lyrics like this. Too busy watching the fucking Jersey Shore to pay attention to what is actually going on around them.

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A good friend of mine is friends w/ the Misfits. He has played on stage with them, and MIGHT be touring with them soon....






I am going to "chef Ramsey" all your asses into understanding music. One song at a time at random. Car guys usually don't kno shit abotu music. They just listen to what's on the radio. I am going to educate you one song at a time.


So stop listening to Limp/Linkin Park/Biscuit, House Techno "weird people dancing with baggy pants" shit , and replays of "The Verve's" graduation song that you can't let go of because you were awesome in highschool.



Come get a clue



Song 1



The Misfits are a band from the late 70's. Influenced by everything; they created their sound all their own. Lead singer Glenn Danzig was young as shit when they started (and is a little guy). They broke up probably in the late 80's (i could be wrong) and Re-formed sometime in the late 90's (i think 1997) with a new singer (michael graves) and they SUCKED (i saw them live at the Agora). They also then got ANOTHER new singer and dont suck as bad... but still suck.


You can tell me that you think the ramones and the sex pistols pioneer'd punk rock but you are wrong. In fact I can make an argument that "The Who" were the first official punk rock band but that's for another time. Either way, the Misfits are one of the top 3 influential bands of the punk rock movement.


Fuck you if you don't like this song.


EDIT - just ot clarify, i post songs, you do not, BIRCH!!!

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