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Is Quibids legit??


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I had to try it for myself. I used Bidcactus (you bid on giftcards). You pay $0.75 per bid.


After buying $375 in bids and then biding. I won $150 in gift cards. Plus they charge you $15 for shipping for each gift card that you won. All my gift cards came in one envolope, but I still had to pay $15 per card.


I seen a $250 Wal-mart gift card sell for $28.97, that is 2897 bids at $0.75 per bid which equals $2156.25. Now there are a bunch of people that bid it up that high. The odds of you only makeing 5 bids to win this item is slim to none.


You are not going to win enough auctions to counter balance the amount that you spend. Everytime that somebody bids it adds 15-20sec to the bidding time. So its not like Ebay where you can just drop a last second bid and win the auction.


Take my word on these penny auctions and Stay away. Like I said, I had to try it for myself to see. Yes the ones that I did win where at great prices, but you lose on a bunch of auctions too.

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Good info, JJ. Thanks!


No problem, I just hate to see everybody else waste thier money like I did. I hope everybody else reads this so that it don't happen to them. And for those that do try it, Please post your how it went. I am man enough to say " I lost my ASS on this" But Hey, I had to try it!


Save your self some money and stay away from these penny auction web sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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my freind just lost his ass doing his site. the one i told you guys about. pennies4parts.com i thik he lost over 2000 becase pepole think it is a rip off but his was not.


That might be true until the word gets spread around the world and their are thousands of people bidding.

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  • 2 months later...

So I'm going to bring this back to life. Has anyone else used this. So far I'm up on quibids. I spent 60 dollars on 100 bids. I've won 80 dollars in gift cards so far and have 60 bids remaining. I've maybe spent 10 dollars to get all my gift cards shipped here.


Up until a few minutes ago the most expensive item I've won ended at 12 cents. I've maxed out my winnings both days I've used it so far.


I've got a decent method for this in my mind, it's proving itself to work at least. I have told myself that if I run out of bids I won't be purchasing anymore, and I'll have left quibids profiting no matter what at this point.

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So, is the premise kind of like the car raffles where everyone makes a bid for $1 to win a brand new Corvette? It's only $1 to bid and that alone will win you the car, but if 100,000 people bid, the Corvette owner just made a ton of money, and the people that lost only lost a dollar, so they aren't pissed, and the one person who won is ecstatic.


Do I follow the general premise correctly here?

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The winner also has to buy the item at the final price the bid ended.


Say you bid on an IPad and you use 5 bids and the bidding ends at 50 dollars. You end up spending $3.00 on bids and buy the IPad for 50 dollars. You spend 53 total plus shipping.


Oh, okay, now I follow - thanks.


Yeah, pretty ingenious, I say.

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