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Ruh Roh Tressel?


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The state is about to cut a ton of funding to the University, we are preparing for it here at CSCC. Also the University is set to change from Quarters to Semesters in Autumn Quarter 2012, and with that will come a decrease in enrollment. More lost money. Combine that with declining OSU Football revenue from a coach that isn't recruiting as well as he used to do...


Remember The football program floats all other sports at the college. Finically if Jim can't bring in the $$$ he will be fired in the long run depending what the NCAA decides to do. Not saying it's likely, but possible.


do you work at the delaware branch by any chance?

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The state is about to cut a ton of funding to the University, we are preparing for it here at CSCC. Also the University is set to change from Quarters to Semesters in Autumn Quarter 2012, and with that will come a decrease in enrollment. More lost money. Combine that with declining OSU Football revenue from a coach that isn't recruiting as well as he used to do...


Remember The football program floats all other sports at the college. Finically if Jim can't bring in the $$$ he will be fired in the long run depending what the NCAA decides to do. Not saying it's likely, but possible.


Honestly not to turn this into politics, but the university's DO NOT need the money (maybe CSCC)...Other then to create a rat race of who has newer buildings and stadiums and bragging rights ect...OSU is barely a state university anymore with their acceptance standards set at near IVY league levels and costs of tuition rising every year/quarter...I say cut their funding and move it else where, at OSU there was no recession LOL they have smart people whom can generate revenues on their own and don't need to burden the states budget further.

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CSCC had no recession either, All universities flourish in recessions, simply because people go back to school to try to make more $$. hell we most likely faired better than OSU since our credit hour is cheaper and more affordable to everyone, and our credits transfer directly to OSU. We at CSCC have seen our highest enrollment EVER in the last few years. So has OSU. This will change as the economy get better. Trust me, this budget stuff is about to hit the fan for everyone. And OSU DOES need the money. Strickland never cut a dime form the state budget for education, this is about to change with the new blood over there.
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CSCC had no recession either, All universities flourish in recessions, simply because people go back to school to try to make more $$. hell we most likely faired better than OSU since our credit hour is cheaper and more affordable to everyone, and our credits transfer directly to OSU. We at CSCC have seen our highest enrollment EVER in the last few years. So has OSU. This will change as the economy get better. Trust me, this budget stuff is about to hit the fan for everyone. And OSU DOES need the money. Strickland never cut a dime form the state budget for education, this is about to change with the new blood over there.


The new blood is about to destroy the education system in Ohio. If 99.99% of my family still did not live here I would be leaving soon. This new adminstration is going to pretty much make this state the Mississippi of the north.

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he is a recuiter first and a coach second (pretty obvious on the field).


You could argue that for almost any coach in the country. And really, OSU's recruiting didn't become truly elite until the 2008 class.


a coach that isn't recruiting as well as he used to do...



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a coach that isn't recruiting as well as he used to do....

What?!! OSU had a top 3 class this year, wtf are you talking about. Not to mention next years class is going to be absolutely loaded as well. Recruiting is the least of OSU football's concerns


And didn't become elite til the 08 class? How about the 02 class? The 05 class was good too, hell theres only been a couple classes that I would consider average. Look at all the NFL talent that comes from tOSU, theres nothing wrong with the recruiting that Tress does.

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And didn't become elite til the 08 class? How about the 02 class? The 05 class was good too


Going off recruiting rankings the '02 class was elite, true. '03 class was a disaster especially since it was coming off a national title season. From '04-'07 the classes hovered in the 10-15 range. Not elite. Since 2008 we've had one class ranked outside the top 4 in the country. This 2012 class will likely be one of the top 5 in the country as well. 4 top 5 classes in 5 years is a whole other level from 1 in 6 years.

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