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Team Westside in the new Grassroots Mag with the AWD Colt


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Congratulations to Matt (Grassroots on here) Ray (PTTColt) and I (Duh) for being featured in the April edition of Grassroots Motorsports. As some of you might already know, Team WESTSIDE placed 2nd out of 54 competitors at the Grassroots $2010 Challenge last September in Gainesville Florida. We are featured in two separate articles in this magazine, so be sure to pick up a copy at your local magazine store!


Went 10.8 with me at the helm with a dead clutch. The winner went 10.7x in a dedicated drag car. I would have CRUSHED him if Matt listened to me and swapped discs back home!!





And yes, the car was tuned by me with a DSMlink version Dinosaur. :)

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fastest colt? thats like being an honor student at a HS for retards


No, that's like doing what some retards spend $80K+ to do and still having cash in your pocket at the end.


If someone runs a C5, Viper, or Lambo and get beat no matter what you're in you can save face and say, "I was running against *. NOBODY thought I'd win." If you hop in an f-body or rustang and get spanked by a Colt it's instant humiliation.


Congrats JP. You've come a long way from when I first met you. lol

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fastest colt? thats like being an honor student at a HS for retards


Funny thing is, its FAR from the fastest Colt. Shit its not even the fastest around here!


This guy, for example, is an even bigger "retard"


8.4@169? And FWD? Yup. That sucks.


This is all a moot point though, since I am sure you have gone faster than all of us. Right? :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the props guys. I was just one cog int he wheel that made this car happen.



No, that's like doing what some retards spend $80K+ to do and still having cash in your pocket at the end.


If someone runs a C5, Viper, or Lambo and get beat no matter what you're in you can save face and say, "I was running against *. NOBODY thought I'd win." If you hop in an f-body or rustang and get spanked by a Colt it's instant humiliation.


Congrats JP. You've come a long way from when I first met you. lol


Hey man, I still got love for the Tercel!! :bangbang:

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That link to the fastest colt is stupid. That's not a colt anymore. Traction bar, huge slicks, auto trrans. I'm more impressed with what you did than that colt


If you want to be specific, even THAT is not the fastest Colt. Remember, Mirage=Colt. And Evo=Mirage "Evolution". My buddie Mike's Evo 3 (looks EXACTLY like a 93 4 door mirage your grandma drives) that goes 237mph in the mile.






I consider him to be the fastest. ;)

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So is it a mirage or a real evo 2?


All Evo's are 4 door Mirage Chassis. Its a Swap'd Mirage hatch.



Nice work guys, are you planning on running the same car at the 2011 challenge?


After how angry we were for being screwed out of the overall win, I don't think we will bring THAT car back. What they told us would win the concourse was nothing more than a joke.

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Bring stinky furry suits, the editor absolutely loved ours... his concourse score was about 40% lower than the other judges.


You had the Twin Engine VW right?


Yeah, we were not happy about the score. But when I asked for an explanation, what I was told by the judges made us laugh as much as it made us furious. I wont get into details publicly, but its all but rigged due to the concourse shit.


We were the highest placing and points scoring car in Drag/Autocross, EVER. And somehow, we didn't win? Right. It is what it is.


So how easy was it to get the laser drivetrain in it?


Welder and a dream...... No money really, just TIME. :cool: We did have very capable fab crew make it a clean install there. The thanks would really go to Lovell Engineering.

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