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Mjrsplat, Mr. Asshole, Brwhateverthefuck

Guest Hal

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I would rather be stripped, raised high, scourged, have my wounds filled with salt and vinegar, and be slowly boiled over an open fire than see another stupid fucking thread/post from any of you. Your prose is weak. Your wit is nonexistent. You all fail at everything.


"Wahhh this guy ripped us off." That fucking sucks, stop whining about it. Put your man pants on and deal with it. We don't need 19 threads filled with your unintelligible garbage that I can only assume translates into some sort of whining about that whole deal.


"I want pubes..." Cool for you. Go get your sexual frustrations out. Jerk each other off, fuck, whatever. I don't care. If you're that obsessed with pubes, shave your junk and go to town on the nut hair.


You guys are like a fucking new era of Paul and Phil. Download some sort of instant messenger, it'll be easier to tease each other that way. Honestly, at least Paul and Phil had 3 or 4 amusing posts.


In closing, shut the fuck up.

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None of what you said applies to me, I'm the stupid newb that has stupid threads that get shit on.. Get it right.


Bullshit. You're as worthless as the rest.


maybe. are you any good at making sammiches and bringing me beer?


lets say you were sucking me off something crazy during nascar while your wife sits on my face. if i put my beer on your head would you spill it?

Haha. i dont care about my lawn, he can only make it greener. and which neighbor? the one across the street, beside me, or behind me.


across the street and behind me are pricks. i hope your dog shits on their doorstep.





oh and if you get bored, feel free to stop by and say whats up. i dont have shit going on today.





for a price, id let you piss in the tank too.
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Hi and bye, I heart hal


The fuck? You're going to let these guys waltz in and be more retarded than you and Paul put together.


You threw a shoe, they threw a crank. The ball is in your court.

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The fuck? You're going to let these guys waltz in and be more retarded than you and Paul put together.


You threw a shoe, they threw a crank. The ball is in your court.



I want to apologize for mine and Pauls years of insane lack of sense and troll stature before trolling was popular. Do to recent members I cannot bear to participate in this forum because it is so bad that even I cannot stoop to there level. I'm glad to see your ruining lives again. Your posts make me laugh on rainey days. I will continue to lurk and giggle at these fools.

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LOL I'm not disputing my worthless posts. I'm not butthurt about a broke dsm, and i dont chase down pubes. Reading comprehension fails you today sir.


No, reading comprehension fails you, fool. Two examples of idiocy are not the be all, end all. Read the entire post again, then stop failing.

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I want to apologize for mine and Pauls years of insane lack of sense and troll stature before trolling was popular. Do to recent members I cannot bear to participate in this forum because it is so bad that even I cannot stoop to there level. I'm glad to see your ruining lives again. Your posts make me laugh on rainey days. I will continue to lurk and giggle at these fools.


The fuck? Not sure if real...

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No, reading comprehension fails you, fool. Two examples of idiocy are not the be all, end all. Read the entire post again, then stop failing.


Yep, I read it. I stand by my previous statements.
























:(<<Thats you ELL OH ELL.........

Moar giggles

k done.

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Yep, I read it. I stand by my previous statements.


:(<<Thats you ELL OH ELL.........

Moar giggles

k done.


Really, given the current state of our eduction system, I shouldn't be surprised. I would dumb things down for you further, but I don't think I can think at that low a level. Go take a couple of developmental English classes at CSCC, then we will start this up again.

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Really, given the current state of our eduction system, I shouldn't be surprised. I would dumb things down for you further, but I don't think I can think at that low a level. Go take a couple of developmental English classes at CSCC, then we will start this up again.




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No fun fighting them is it hal? too easy


It really is less fun than I expected. Their responses (at least so far) are no more than I would have expected from my 5 year old nephew. I'm actually afraid that their posts will make me face palm so much that I'll end up suffocating myself.

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It really is less fun than I expected. Their responses (at least so far) are no more than I would have expected from my 5 year old nephew. I'm actually afraid that their posts will make me face palm so much that I'll end up suffocating myself.



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It really is less fun than I expected. Their responses (at least so far) are no more than I would have expected from my 5 year old nephew. I'm actually afraid that their posts will make me face palm so much that I'll end up suffocating myself.


careful hal, that might be his plan. he might be trying cause some brain damage to dumb you down. Then again, i dont think hes that smart.

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You guys are like a fucking new era of Paul and Phil.


Wait, wut?


Join Date: Jul 2007


Every single one of you in this thread is the new version of some douche who was here and got laughed outta the gym back in the day. The names and dates change, but the stupid stays the same.

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