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Assfault Junkies


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Guys and gals of Assfault Junkies, I just wanted to apologize. My attacks against Brandon where nothing to do with you as a group. Asshat Junkies is directly aimed at Brandon, referring to the post I made about the "Evidence" video. Every single one of you I've met have been great people. My only problem with the group was when it started. It began as a group of stunters videotaping their freeway antics. That's pretty retarded. Unfortunately, that was the first impression most of us got. As time has gone on, some on here still don't like the group as a whole because of a few smart asses. My beef is with Brandon alone for the comments he made towards Scmuck along the lines of fuck him, fuck his family, $20 to whoever finds his address and eggs his house. Seeing as though I've given him free advertising for over a year on this site, it's pretty much a stab in the back when I find out shit talking about Ohio Riders members and the site as a whole is going on behind the scenes on Assfault Junkies. So no more free advertising for Assfault Junkies. Now somehow that has made me the bad person here, or as some 40 something single guy on a bunch of dating websites called me, gay and a douchebag. I digress... you all are welcome on this site. I hope to ride with many of you this year. I know a few of you are taking me to 10/22 this summer. Most of you know me and know obviously that I have no problems with you. Some, however, have obviously taken my words as an attack against them. This couldn't be further from the truth. All I asked of Brandon was to publicly apologize for those comments towards Schmuck and Schmuckgirl on our site as well as on Assfault Junkies, and he couldn't do it.

Please, keep the flaming in this thread to a minimum. I know, I know... rktekbob thinks I'm a gay douchebag (even though I'm not who editted his posts). Take this for what it is at face value, an apology for grouping you all together under the Asshat Junkies name. I will for now on use the singular form, Asshat Junky. :lol: (That was meant for some humor, just laugh, fuckers are all uptight)

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Ben, just lock this thread, especially if posts are going to be deleted...put all this bickering behind us and go on with a good riding season.

I've got no beef with anyone...I'm tired of all the arguing and bickering already.

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def more drama here that any other forum I've been on... Brandon did publicly apologize within that thread....several times..I dont see how ppl are missing that.

you should go to bikeland.org in the smackhouse...lol

Sometimes it gets crazy in there.

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def more drama here that any other forum I've been on... Brandon did publicly apologize within that thread....several times..I dont see how ppl are missing that.

Here is an Idea.... He should start a new thread with the apology in the first post! No one could miss it then.....

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