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FS - Ghost Chili Plants (Jalokia)


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Here is a LINK to Vince's Original Thread.


I just picked up 3 Plants from Jay, and they ALREADY had nice big, red GHOST PEPPERS that are READY TO EAT!!!


Jay has ~ 20 of them left, and he has lowered the price to $10 each. They will need to be transferred to a larger pot ASAP.


Email Jay @ mangosteen_jay@yahoo.com (mangosteen underscore jay @ yahoo.com)





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If anyone wants one, shoot me a PM with your contact info. I sit right beside him at work. Are you sure you're getting the e-mail address correct? He is a good guy and I can't see him ignoring anyone.


He did mention he was tired of dealing with CL though. I can't blame him. :)

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