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Body Position


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Dude, that was pretty good, and by extension I found a few more browsing youtube afterward. I have a bit better understanding of things I was doing without thought, both good and bad.

I am relatively new to motorcycles, but I learned a lot of balance habits from mountain biking, ATVs and breaking and riding horses, some of which have translated well, others not so much. The whole counter-steering thing was counter intuitive to me at first, but leaning myself sideways half off a bike was easy and I don't panic when the bike does funny shit like wobble, bounce, drift or lay down... (that part is from horses... when they spook and jump sideways, buck, wtf ever, you just have to relax and go with it or you get tossed....)

I definitely need to get some stouter pants and make it to a track day now... Yet another reason why I need knee pads...


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