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Dear UBL AKA Osama


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SEAL in the 70's puts him nearing the middle-end of his career when 6 was created. What's his name? If it's true, he's probably a plankowner and easily verified.


Pm'ing you.

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I've been reading it was SEAL Team 6.


We may never know who, but I want to buy a beer for the guy who took the shot


Technically, SEAL Team 6 doesn't exist. It was a system utilized to confuse the numbers of operational teams to the Russians. Have nothing but good things to say about SEAL operators. Had some small contact with them while in Iraq in 05/06. One thing that stands out is one of their shooters taking out a guy in the middle of the night emplacing an IED. 500+ meters, through the neck, absolute darkness, while in Al-Sadr's backyard, isn't child's play.


I do hope that with the success of this operation, it equates to more funding for SOCOM.

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Had contact once with a team in Iraq, not sure exactly who but they were SpecOps. Our CC had us halted trying to figure out an alternate route since our original route was shut down because of a possible IED, while waiting for the go ahead of the alternate about 6 guys came walking out of the middle of nowhere in the desert trying to figure out who we were and why we were there. Apparently they wanted us out of there quickly because they told the CC that we did not want to be there.
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