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crash bubba!!!!


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James is an amazing rider. Truly heads and shoulders above Chad... That said, James is his own worse enemy. If he doesn't crash, he's winning... He will be the reason if he doesn't win the title...

Chad is a classic douche bag. He's a dick. However, this year, I think RD has taken him aside and coached him on how to act on the podium and to get more involved with interviews and with the fans. Having RC to ride with helps, too. RC and James thought very poorly of Chad when asked in side bar. They never liked him and never felt he was a threat...

This year is different and I even am cheering a bit for Reed. He's different this year. I think one more crash and James is done.

Oh, he doesn't go by Bubba anymore...;)

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i agree i think stewart is getting pretty brittle. he cant take much more abuse.

What makes him brittle? He's not Hepler... He's a pussy when it comes to riding hurt when compared to RC, for example, but James is as fit as a rider can be. He's tough...

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i swear every race ive seen james done, he either 1: wins 2:crashes at start small crash midway thru and still wins 3: crashes badly to where he cant ride anymore lol, ive been missin out on the stupid cause uno doesnt have frickin speed channel for the f*ckin dorms gayyyy!!!

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i swear every race ive seen james done, he either 1: wins 2:crashes at start small crash midway thru and still wins 3: crashes badly to where he cant ride anymore lol, ive been missin out on the stupid cause uno doesnt have frickin speed channel for the f*ckin dorms gayyyy!!!


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What makes him brittle? He's not Hepler... He's a pussy when it comes to riding hurt when compared to RC, for example, but James is as fit as a rider can be. He's tough...

i was semi joking. not brittle persay but just like every other racer out there broken bones torn knees concussions. body can only take so much over time. eventually a smarter person will look at the big picture.

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lol...im glad this theread got ppl talking...

as for reed vs stewert vs RC...lol i was JUST watching some youtube video of rc reed and bubba. Man were they THRASHING on reed, bashing the shit outta him, older stuff from like 2003-06 or so. And boy was RC bashing on Stewert in the corners, it was funny to watch....brutal man, but funny as all hell!!!

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lol...im glad this theread got ppl talking...

as for reed vs stewert vs RC...lol i was JUST watching some youtube video of rc reed and bubba. Man were they THRASHING on reed, bashing the shit outta him, older stuff from like 2003-06 or so. And boy was RC bashing on Stewert in the corners, it was funny to watch....brutal man, but funny as all hell!!!

When I referred to James and RC talking about Reed - it wasn't at the event racing... It was a sit down casual conversation where they honestly never thought of Reed as a threat. They only gave him credit for winning when they were injured...

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I hope Bubba stays healthy until Vegas , runaway season's are boring.

He reminds me of RC early in the big-boy class.... riding over his head.

Kudo's to Speedvision for covering the races !

Except he's been in the big-boy class long enough to be done doing that...

It's when he gets pressured or has to catch up...

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When I referred to James and RC talking about Reed - it wasn't at the event racing... It was a sit down casual conversation where they honestly never thought of Reed as a threat. They only gave him credit for winning when they were injured...

ahhhhh, my fault....but that video was still funny s hell!!! look it up, worth the watch!! :)

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When I referred to James and RC talking about Reed - it wasn't at the event racing... It was a sit down casual conversation where they honestly never thought of Reed as a threat. They only gave him credit for winning when they were injured...

ahhhhh, my fault....but that video was still funny as hell!!! look it up, worth the watch!! :)

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