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Laser WMD


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This laser gun zaps mosquitoes

by Juniper Foo

mosquito_300x280_270x251.jpg(Credit: ariadna)

With news of a new kind of dengue emerging in Singapore, this sounds like a job for...a mosquito laser zapper! Punnily dubbed a "weapon of mosquito destruction" (WMD), scientists are finally declaring a Cold War against malaria and all mosquito-related ailments.

This particular one appears to take a Death Star leaf out of the "Star War" book, with the laser designed to detect the audio frequency of beating wings, zero in on the culprit, and burn it on the spot. The good news is the WMD will be capable of sweeping an entire area or village and "toast(ing) millions of mosquitoes in a few minutes", physicist and project lead scientist Dr. Jordin Kare told CNN.

Intellectual Ventures, a company founded by former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, commissioned the research.

Now all we need is a home version that we can set up to fry those miniscule terrorists before they can infect any loved ones around.

Yes, I am that bored. And I still have another hour or so before the work day is over....

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so what happens when it malfunctions and starts zapping people

Honestly they'll probably repackage and market the thing to ravers or something. If it zapped a person it'd probably tickle; all it does is burn off the mosquito's wings, so it's probably not powerful enough to do much damage to a person...at least not much damage as long as they don't just stand there and let it zap away for an extended period of time

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