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Rage Face Bios. Chapter 1: Phil

V8 Beast

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Phil starts his career with slow car after slow car :no:


Race after race he finds himself hitting the steering wheel repeatedly screaming "Y U NO GO FASTER!!" :yuno:


So upset with the speed of his cars and slow timeslips Phil vows to never race at a track again http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRd81n1Uc84cwyTgqsjFVah7gwRAabNNDvf4b24N1vBkebKt4Lnkg&t=1


With no fast car Phil is forced to be known as the guy that plays raquetball. Phill hated how this impacted his street cred :dumb:


Finally after years and several different cars he stumbles upon a car with an LSx engine. :masturboy:


Knowing he has a real power plant to work with his e-penis grows 10 inches :gabe:


He pictures himself calling out everyone in an attempt to gain back his manhood.. laughing at those he defeats :lolguy:


In the process of getting the car in running order he is banned from columbus racing again. :fa:


After several weeks of seeing the banned message he logs in and can actually see the forum. Immediately starts talking shit like a bauce! :fuckyeah:


While Phil is in the middle of replying to this post V8 Beast bans him again just for shits and giggles...



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Phils not really a troll, he's a true racer.. havnt you seen the posts???


It doesn't matter if Phil loses by an inch or a mile, he always loses.

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He's afraid of dig racing because his shit sucks.


Whoa whoa whoa, i race from a dig. I never said I wouldn't, I said I'll never take my car to the track.


And it's not cause I have a new car I'm talking shit, I was talking shit in the fox, I was talking shit in the camaro and every stage of it, I was even talking shit about bikes when I had my 1k that never came out. So the car has nothing to do with it, but I enjoyed chapter 1.

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