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Worst ebattle in the history of CR


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Lets look at the facts,


-gf who wants montes dick in her ass....check


-rattlecan mkIII supra, slow as fuck, leaks like a sieve, hoodrat machine....check


-a shitty computer...check


-all the symptoms of a crackhead; smells, dresses like tyrom biggums, nothing to show for in his life, bad driving record, chin hair that looks like you shaved your grundle and elmer glued them on...check


-Ohio native, idea of fun include not winning and chasing around raccoons...check


-unable to perform simple algebraic equations...check


Must i go on? Needless to say, you are losing this battle. When you had to report posts cuz they hurt your little feelings, and when other memebers have to step in to keep your head afloat... :dumb:





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Fill this out Alexander James. Send it in to the mods. Someone will help you from there. A counselor would be a good start.

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Lets look at the facts,


-gf who wants montes dick in her ass....check


-rattlecan mkIII supra, slow as fuck, leaks like a sieve, hoodrat machine....check


-a shitty computer...check


-all the symptoms of a crackhead; smells, dresses like tyrom biggums, nothing to show for in his life, bad driving record, chin hair that looks like you shaved your grundle and elmer glued them on...check


-Ohio native, idea of fun include not winning and chasing around raccoons...check


-unable to perform simple algebraic equations...check


Must i go on? Needless to say, you are losing this battle. When you had to report posts cuz they hurt your little feelings, and when other memebers have to step in to keep your head afloat....WINNING. :dumb:






seems like a whole lot of false accusations and desperation to me. :dumb:


care to talk about your love life? I hear its an amazing story full of twists and turns that leaves you butthurt and moody.


let's take a survey.. be honest here James, we have the answer sheet.


1. Do you have a girlfriend?


[ ]yes

[ ]no


2. Have you ever had a girlfriend?

[ ]yes

[ ]no


If you answered yes to number two, proceed with the survey. If not, you've already proven yourself a complete failure


3. Have you ever convinced a female to willingly have sex with you on a regular basis?


[ ]yes (jump to question 4)


[ ]no


4. Mark the correct answer: How would you say your performance was?


A. [ ]She kept coming back for more, got her knocked up then she took off

B. [ ]She laughed when you said "k im done. the pizza should be here soon"

C. [ ]She gave you an uncurable std

D. [ ]She was just trying to get pregnant and didn't care who the potential father was

E. [ ]We had an amazing relationship until she saw the real me and left


5. Since you probably lied on question #4, Do you have any children? [if yes go to 5a if no go to question 6.


5a. Mark the correct answer. Do you have a relationship with your child?

[ ]yes (skip to question 7)

[ ]no (go to 5b)


5b. Who's fault do you think that is?

[ ]yours

[ ]hers


6. You seem to be hiding some facts. why is that?

[ ] too personal for cr, splatty wins

[ ] touchy subject you'd rather avoid - splatty wins


7. Why are you so butthurt?

[ ] jealousy

[ ] envy

[ ]self loathing

[ ] secret man crush on splatty


8. Since ownership, how much would you say you've spent on the " broke ass gsx"? check all that apply.

[ ]$.01 - $5,000

[ ]$5,000 - 10,000

[ ]$10,000 - $15,000

[ ]$15,000 - $20,000

[ ]over $20,000

[ ]too fucking much

[ ]billions


9. Do you consider yourself to be successful?

[ ]Yes, working at geek squad and having a uber expensive computer is all that matters in life.

[ ]No, I wish my personal life wasn't so flawed.


10. Do you really think you have any room to try and insult me? :dumb:

[ ]Yes, because lying on this survey to hide one's true self is WINNING bruh.

[ ]No, sorry it wont happen again.

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Or maybe even that your face is splattied all over CR\CPD\EVERY NEWS STATION IN COLUMBUS as a rapist...whoops.


Let's just hope for your sake you're not telling the truth. That would fall into the territory of false reports and slander, and would not look good on your "squeaky clean" record.

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Fill this out Alexander James. Send it in to the mods. Someone will help you from there. A counselor would be a good start.


James is a Fag name. :dumb: It was a nice attempt at guessing my middle name. Although it's nothing out of the ordinary for you, you fail.

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Cliff notes, me and poopra boy were arguing one day, and then his bitch jumped me on fb. I've been holding these for the right moment and o think it's time. This is not edited, changed or made up. Aj if you would like confirmation

Check your girls fb.










Between You and Nicole Michelle Adkins


Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 5:27pm Report

You know you sure do talk alot of shit but didn't say one mother fucking word to me at the car meet. You can stop posting shit about me on cr because your just pissing me off. Nobody has any type of picture of me because I have more class than that. And if you want to talk shit say it to my face!! And also you tired to get with me for months but sorry I can do better than you:) plus I heard you loved little girls and would try and fuck all the 15yr old girls at Martins parties..lol and Steve is just mad he got turned down I could tell you a lot of stuff that you prolly don't know about him.. Watch out he might try & rape your girl!!!


Phil Woodland May 2 at 5:45pm

Who are you ?

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 6:04pm Report

The one yourntalking shit about don't act dumb.


Phil Woodland May 2 at 6:17pm

No bitch I know that but I dint know you like that. I'm sorry your boy friend is a corn ball, I'm sorry you know me, I

Sorry you two had a boo boo called a kid. Keep your mind right and fly straight . Keel trying to start rumors about me as well I enjoy hearing these false statements.

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 6:26pm Report

Don't say a word about my kids!!


Phil Woodland May 2 at 6:38pm

Too late. Hey can you fit a car seat In the back or the poopra? Look woman, I know it's tough living in your shoes, standing on The corner sucking dick for Nickels trying to feed your starving kids, and dealing with a Internet racing ginger who spends more time posting on a car forum and making his life worth nothing. But in the end you and him are both beneath me and I'll spare you my pocket change on a rainy day.

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 6:53pm Report

Don't need your money and if you work at chase still better watch your self ;)


Phil Woodland May 2 at 6:56pm

I am scared shitless.... Oh wait nope I'm still good. I love how u remember me, but I don't even know you lol

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 7:00pm Report

See ya Saturday maybe Friday if your " wife let's you out"!!


Phil Woodland May 2 at 7:44pm

I'll bring out Steve so you can rekindle your love

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 7:52pm Report

I saw Steve last weekend & his pussy ass left idc bring him because he ain't going ton say shit all you dudes getnon that fuckin site and talknshit about each other but won't say it to anyone at the meet.


Nicole Michelle Adkins May 2 at 7:53pm Report

And also stop messaging me end of convo you wanna talk smack then please say it to my face please because I ain't afraid of any dude!!


Phil Woodland May 2 at 8:16pm

Bitch speak English. And don't worry you little coke whore I'll tell you and opie all this shit to your faces, cause ain't neither one of you gone do a damd Thing about but sit there and say I was trying to holler at you. Now that I look back, you may have been I. The rolodex of hoes on my sideline but don't Kidd yourself, you would have never been on my starting lineup.

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 3 at 9:32am Report

you need to learn how to spell or type or something.. seriously stfu your nothing but a piece of shit who sits on the computer/phone all damn day talking about ppl's children which is sad cuz thats the only thing you can come up with .. as for me doing drugs nope never did a drug in life, i take care of my kids. my kids eat all damn day, have name brand clothes so go find someone else to talk shit about idk how my name got brought up into yours & ajs problems but you can leave me & my damn kids out of it!! & as for aj & you, you guys wanna battle it out over some stupid shit go ahead but you never bring someone's kids into thats so wrong. & also i hardly remember you aj just remembers you messaging & texting me all the time, we talked never hung out & never did anything. whats sad is you cant even remember who you try & get with.. & as for this picture that steve sent you, uhmm i never sent him a picture he would get so mad cuz i wouldnt send him one so he would delete me from facebook.. & he has tryed to get with me forever he can lie & say ive tired to get with him but i can clear that up.. i went & hung with DANNY before he went to prison & his stupid ass was trying to get me to go upstaris like go get this go get this... blah blah putting his arm around me so finally i said im going home real quick & he freaked out are you coming back.. fuck no i didnt go back this nasty ass.. me & steve go way back he has known my family !! anyways all im saying is that y ou shouldnt be talking about ppls kids & making stuff up about me/ my family. so stop thanks


Nicole Michelle Adkins May 3 at 3:15pm Report

you know what you are right & idc post this on CR he spends to much time on CR & spends no time w/ his "girl" because he cares soo much about his car !!


Phil Woodland May 3 at 8:47pm

I'll pay you to delete his Cr account. Or tell him you will blow him or somthing. He is a tool and I feel bad that you are stuck with such a mentally challenged meat head. I promise not to bring you up any more if you will take him away from the CPU

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Nicole Michelle Adkins May 3 at 11:49pm Report

i cant delete it, i dont have his password.. but he really isnt a bad guy he is actually very smart & spends alot of time with his kids.. he doesnt do drugs FYI, he may spend alot of time on CR but thats better than going to the bar every night or something.. he is at least there with his kids. i mean idk how it all got started but you shouldnt sit here & make stuff up about ppl & make fun of there cars because he has that car & he is proud of it.. he spends most his money on his kid so sorry he cant be like you dudes out there that spend it all on there damn cars!! he works for what he has got!! anyways please dont put my name in the beef because i dont have time for it & hate when ppl talk shit about my kids & make stuff up as im on drugs.. you & aj wanna battle go ahead but dont bring stuff up that steve has told you because he is a liar..


aaaaahahahahaha what the fuck is this I don't think that is very healthy

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Nice try deadbeat methface daddy.



so because I enquired about a subject in your personal life which you are butthurt about and dont want to share, you're going to result to calling me a "deadbeat methface daddy"


sounds a lot like desperation. I'm there for my child in his life every single day watching him grow and develop, buying whatever he could ever want or need, knowing at the end of the day my son and I have a wonderful bond.. I could go on and on, but I'm guessing that's only gonna make you more butthurt about your situation. So, got any pointers for me on fatherhood since you're so good at it?

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How easily you try to switch. Im not going to talk about it, because at your and the mods wishes, the kids are suppose to stay out. If you want to change the rule, Ill be more than happy to assist you on your way out of CR as i provide more gifs for everyones pleasure.

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How easily you try to switch. Im not going to talk about it, because at your and the mods wishes, the kids are suppose to stay out. If you want to change the rule, Ill be more than happy to assist you on your way out of CR as i provide more gifs for everyones pleasure.




You're beat kiddo. I simply shared information about my son, then asked you for parenting advice. I'd like to think I kept my response vague enough.


As far as the mods requests go.. I was told by nighthawk anything is fair game in here, in fact he almost banned me for trying to get the pictures of my son taken down.


If you'd like to "keep kids out of it" kindly remove the pictures of my son you posted. Or we can keep going on, the truth about sadfatjames will come out, and you'll probably leave cr for another 8 months.


You know when the big bouncer at the bar throws you on the ground and tells you to stay down? It's kinda like that.

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Idk why his 2 kids are actually being brought up in the arguement. I agree to a degree that no one has any business insulting them outta the blue for no reason. Thats just me tho. But the wife should not ask for it to stop by PM'ing people over the FB, and getting relatively hostile via PM's. That will only bring more heat i guess.
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phil needs to get back in here, this thread is starting to fail. When you get 2 people with broke ass junk cars talking shit back and forth about them and cody trying to give advice, its getting bad...lol. On a serious note though, sir post a lot, dude, you need to get a life. Its quite appearant not to many people are a fan of you on here, but yet you continue to get on here more than me (which is really kinda sad) just to argue with people while you wife is bitching that you spend to much time on here and not with your family. And having your wife fight your battles is just sad...
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