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Dark Knight Rises

Jizzle Juice

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Rumors on both accounts, I honestly doubt the Joker would've returned. I think they would've made mention of him but they were going with new villians from the get go. Not sure if Bane was the original plan or if anyone outside of Christopher Nolan thought about using him. The dude playing Bane is no joke, look up the trailer for Warrior, he is in that movie. The only thing I do not like about this so far, is that its the entire Inception cast minus DeCaprio, look up the cast from that movie and look up the cast for this one, there is like 7 or 8 of them in it.


Depp was rumored for The Riddler, much like Joseph Gordon Levitt who is in this movie. He has also been rumored to play Black Mask, but for now is listed as a cop. Give me Robin Williams as Hugo Strange! There are rumors of another villian be it Thalia Al Guhl (Ra's daughter), plus theres a character named Nixon who is not in the comics so ppl think its a cover name for another better known villian. Purely speculation.


Catwoman is in this film as well as Ras Al Ghul, to what extent is still unknown. I hope Bane breaks batman, but he will ultimately rise, hence the name of the film. I have a feeling that someone dies though be it Gordon, Alfred and even rumors of Batman possibly being killed off since this is the last movie in Nolans series. A reboot will be done in a few years anyways so this will all be a mute point then.


I just hope this movie isn't a letdown, its gonna be pretty hard to top The Dark Knight. Plus there is a ton of hype for this movie and its a year away from even coming out. I know where I will be when it does come out though, hello Imax!

Sorry inner comic movie nerdyness came out lol.


well most of us know Bane broke Batman's back in the comic so they could alter that in the movie, I wonder if the rumor about Thalia Al Guhl is true because she and Bruce Wayne have a kid named Damian who later becomes Robin and Dick Grayson(Nightwing) becomes Batman. this could be setup for future movies by another director.

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Well they have an actor set to potray a young Ra's and Liam Neeson has been spotted around set so word is he is back as Ras Al Ghul....gotta love speculation for a movie a year away from being released lol


It keeps people like us chatting about it lol

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That would be sweet craig, and she is suppose to be in the film as well as raz, but it's a flashback for him, so we shall see how this plays out


remember Ras Al Ghul has used those Lazarus pits to cheat death and stay in his prime for centuries.

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It keeps people like us chatting about it lol

I'm a fanboy so I could talk Batman all day, I'd really like to see a Batman Beyond movie





could also use Pit to help heal Batmans broken back...

very true, but there are side effects when using the pits. Jason Todd(Robin) for example, after the Joker killed him Ras Al Ghul used the pits to heal him then Jason became the villian known as The Red Hood

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's also video game bane. Comic book and cartoon bane was never THAT big. and at the end you can see bane is a lil bigger than what you think


not so sure on that.





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They fucked up in the casting department in my opinion. I think Nolan was a little too loyal to the cast of Inception because most of the batman cast was in Inception lol. Bane is too small, have you heard his voice? Its fucking horrible and catwoman looks like some chick in spandex wearing night vision goggles, if you weren't a fan of the movie you would have no idea she was catwoman. Of course this could all change before the movie comes out but right now my hopes for this movie are very low, I think it'll be the typical 3rd movie of a franchise that fails to live up to the hype of the previous 2.


BTW Inception cast that is in this movie:


Tom Hardy: Bane

Joseph Gordan Levitt: John Blake

Michael Caine: Alfred

Cillian Murphey (Scarecrow) I have heard rumors of a cameo

Marion Cottilard: Talia Al Ghul



Catwoman pic:



Banes terrible voice:


^^He sounds like he is fucking retarded and old

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