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pour a 40 on the curb for my bruh James


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Soo what you're saying is he thread shits alot?


No, Phil's saying that he's a worthless faggot. He is the type of faggot that CR can not rally around. He's not funny or clever. He's not mean enough. He's not smart enough. He simply isn't CR material.

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No, Phil's saying that he's a worthless faggot. He is the type of faggot that CR can not rally around. He's not funny or clever. He's not mean enough. He's not smart enough. He simply isn't CR material.


Well maybe a break will let him perfect his craft then.

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No, Phil's saying that he's a worthless faggot. He is the type of faggot that CR can not rally around. He's not funny or clever. He's not mean enough. He's not smart enough. He simply isn't CR material.




thats a bingo

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Always shitting in threads, starting the same argument 1 million times, being useless as fuck, thread shitting, being a cunt...... Shall I continue?


Pretty much nail on head. Every freaking post was some not funny smart ass usless post. I warned both AJ and James to cut their shit out, AJ listened and James did not.


The final nail in the DSM was the posting of the cody pictures in every freaking thread. It was not funny the first time, and when they ended up in Mark's intake thread that was it.


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Pretty much nail on head. Every freaking post was some not funny smart ass usless post. I warned both AJ and James to cut their shit out, AJ listened and James did not.


The final nail in the DSM was the posting of the cody pictures in every freaking thread. It was not funny the first time, and when they ended up in Mark's intake thread that was it.


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I woulda picked stone cold stunner but that works to.


Thanks wagner

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