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Put in bay this weekend


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A few of us are rolling up for x mas in july. We went last yr and got reckless and had a blast. It's not that expensive if u do it right. It's like $40 for the ferry , hotel is anywhere from 90-200 depends where you stay. It really is a great time and this is a crazy weekend. We r leaving sat afternoon and coming back Sunday . Everyone is welcome
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wtf where is the PRK rally


shanton is busy owening a business making money and being an adult. so we are just going up to rock our faces off. i think im leaving around 3 if justin can get off so i can get some rball in with my friends from up there. im getting 2 four lokos and a bottle of mt dude. i may spend $20 on the island. im going for broke

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shanton is busy owening a business making money and being an adult. so we are just going up to rock our faces off. i think im leaving around 3 if justin can get off so i can get some rball in with my friends from up there. im getting 2 four lokos and a bottle of mt dude. i may spend $20 on the island. im going for broke


If i go you got room in the goat, or whatever you take?

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good luck getting a hotel now, they have been sold out for this about a month ago.


some of my friends are going, i am staying out of trouble, heard is a blast though


Never problem pimp. Sandusky loves me

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good luck getting a hotel now, they have been sold out for this about a month ago.


some of my friends are going, i am staying out of trouble, heard is a blast though


your friends are dumb, i just booked a hotel in 5 min, and its 5 mins from the port :nono:

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Never problem pimp. Sandusky loves me


I own Sandusky it wants no part of you.


Was just there the other weekend. If you go take the miller ferry it's half the price of the jet express. Hotels will be hit or miss when it comes to rooms.

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I own Sandusky it wants no part of you.


Was just there the other weekend. If you go take the miller ferry it's half the price of the jet express. Hotels will be hit or miss when it comes to rooms.


Hotel is booked, I'll check out the miller ferry thanks fruit cake

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Take a tent if you fags really want to go and save money. Pitch the shit on the sand. Should I burn vacation time or not? hmmmm. I was going to Cedar Point Friday anyway.


Bring yo ass

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