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Been busy, Hit up Jacksonville River Rally in early June.



Look at them apples, 2nd year as a sponsor :)



Main Street Bridge at night, from Jacksonville Landing



If you look closely my banner is right next to the Keith Eickert performance products banner



Sunday morning, FML I forgot my banner...


Mapquest showed 13 hours to get there, Left at 8am, drove 10 over the whole way until GA where speeds turned to 95+, said I'm beat at 1am and pulled into a red roof inn 10 miles north of the landing. Next morning I was on the 70 mph highway running a little over 80 when a motorcycle pulls behind me. I slow down and look back, no police badging so I speed back up to ~87 and am minding my own business when my passenger starts off on "You dumbass thats a cop." I look to my left, pacing me is the bike. All I can do is wave, he gives the universal give head/slow down motion and I slow down. I thought it was hilarious.

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Fast forward two weeks.... Corey at Slow Motion hits me up friday afternoon about some signs for the dyno day on sunday. Get them done later than planned, and decide to just leave early morning. I get up and drop them off at 6am, then hit the road to D-troit to Ronnie Szolacks house. He has had some cool boats over the years, the original Bacardi 36 Skater and the 50' Skater Flight Club. He has a new 4012 Skater on order and since it wont be done until fall he picked up a 47 Nor-Tech and threw a pair of 1075's in it. The boat originally had a 120k paint job, pictures do not do it justice.


I roll onto his street just before 10 and can't see any numbers... Houses are nice 3,000 sq ft or so houses, I see one that looks like a mini palace taking up three lots and know thats where I need to pull in.



Ballistic hanging in the boat barn



At the lunch stop



Rivets all hand painted, not a single one alike.


I've been to some cool houses, this takes the cake. The granite walls in the kitchen took the cake. I have a picture of the bar somewhere, it is off the hook, Most restaurants in town don't come close to the bar in the house! The garage was impressive, a set of 1500hp psi blower motors, and a new toy, just over 3,000hp here


I'm in a dark grey shirt just over the rear windows with Ronnies girlfriend. My blazer is just mackin it to the right.


Big names included Jim Lee who owns the 46 "Freedom US-1" Tyson Gavin from Smith Power, Pete and Mike Hledin from Skater, Mike and Connie D'annibelle from Sterling, Ben from NC the Bourget dealer, Tommy from Chief, Steve the painter from Skater, and a bunch more.


I got to sit and ask question after question to Tommy from Chief Engines, talk about a genius, that EFI system is off the hook. It goes so far as to measure G Forces and can be troubleshot remotely via internet.


I have to say, if anyone ever is in Detroit, you would be a fool not to stop at Ronnies club, just inside Dearborn, Flight Club/Flying Aces Casino. It blows away any tittie bar here by at least a hundred times.


I left at 11pm, caffeine allergy and redbull made it home just after 2. Can't wait for next years event, will be even better than this year. The hospitality offered was incredible, food, shirts, place to stay, ride to strip club and back, all you can drink, lunch, all free, great event.

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