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I agree, too much volume. I wouldn't like it for equipped either.


Josh, I'll look at yours in a little while.


I agree, too much volume. I wouldn't like it for equipped either.


Josh, I'll look at yours in a little while.


I did 30 minutes of weights and 45 minutes of cardio this morning. I tried to see if I could hit the same numbers I did in high school, needless to say it didn't happen. 200 made it feel like my wrist was going to explode. Any suggestions for strengthening my wrists?

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Your brother?


to bad you havent lifted since you where 17 or 18 then :gabe:


what where your best numbers then?


and the guy your training is he in the 181lb class?


I lifted until I was 19. Best bench was ~550 equipped and 405 raw at 185 in the gym. That was literally the week I quit, lol. I doubt I'll ever bench big again honestly. I have no desire to put my body through all of that again.


The guy I trained was my brother who was a 308. He hit 900 in the gym, but bombed when he opened at 800 in a WPO qualifier. IMO the second light was bullshit, the lift was good.

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I did 30 minutes of weights and 45 minutes of cardio this morning. I tried to see if I could hit the same numbers I did in high school, needless to say it didn't happen. 200 made it feel like my wrist was going to explode. Any suggestions for strengthening my wrists?


You can do wrist curls, they help sometimes. Make sure your form is good and stay lighter until your musculature gets used to what you're doing (typically 2-4 weeks). If you have really weak wrists like I do you can use wrist wraps.

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I lifted until I was 19. Best bench was ~550 equipped and 405 raw at 185 in the gym. That was literally the week I quit, lol. I doubt I'll ever bench big again honestly. I have no desire to put my body through all of that again.


The guy I trained was my brother who was a 308. He hit 900 in the gym, but bombed when he opened at 800 in a WPO qualifier. IMO the second light was bullshit, the lift was good.



Every gym lift was smooth and controlled, hard to beleive he bombed out in a meet.

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Every gym lift was smooth and controlled, hard to beleive he bombed out in a meet.


It was dumb. His movement stopped for split second but the bar never went back down, and he had a clean lock. He initially had 2 greens and a red then one of the judges changed his from green to red. The second attempt I think he just let the whole thing get in his head.


Had he listened to me and opened at 700, he would have been fine and qualified for the Arnold.

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It was dumb. His movement stopped for split second but the bar never went back down, and he had a clean lock. He initially had 2 greens and a red then one of the judges changed his from green to red. The second attempt I think he just let the whole thing get in his head.


Had he listened to me and opened at 700, he would have been fine and qualified for the Arnold.


Thats adams ego getting in the way....

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You can do wrist curls, they help sometimes. Make sure your form is good and stay lighter until your musculature gets used to what you're doing (typically 2-4 weeks). If you have really weak wrists like I do you can use wrist wraps.


I backed down to 120 which was comfortable so I'll just stick with that and start doing wrist curls and see what happens, going to switch it up to 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio 2x a day

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I lifted until I was 19. Best bench was ~550 equipped and 405 raw at 185 in the gym. That was literally the week I quit, lol. I doubt I'll ever bench big again honestly. I have no desire to put my body through all of that again.


The guy I trained was my brother who was a 308. He hit 900 in the gym, but bombed when he opened at 800 in a WPO qualifier. IMO the second light was bullshit, the lift was good.


you just burned yourself out by not listening to your body, to many kids hit it hard then when their body wears down a little they dont know how to adjust.

it is awesome that you hit those weights when you were 19, i couldnt hit them till i was 31, i may have been slow but i am still steady keeping at it, to many kids who are going to be the next best thing or prodigy hit big numbers early on then fade out quick cause they dont know how to adjust or went to fast to soon.

if you know how to listen to your body, you wont put your body through that much stress, and you can keep going.


i am 32 and have been lifting since i was 13, and started powerlifting around when i was 25. I know i can keep going and gaining strength if i keep learning my body.


how about instead of reminiscing of what you where become something better, you got a little ways to catch my numbers.

wednesday i hit a double paused of 405 (felt like i could do 4) and a single paused at 435 weighing 191 :fuckyeah:

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you just burned yourself out by not listening to your body, to many kids hit it hard then when their body wears down a little they dont know how to adjust.

it is awesome that you hit those weights when you were 19, i couldnt hit them till i was 31, i may have been slow but i am still steady keeping at it, to many kids who are going to be the next best thing or prodigy hit big numbers early on then fade out quick cause they dont know how to adjust or went to fast to soon.

if you know how to listen to your body, you wont put your body through that much stress, and you can keep going.


i am 32 and have been lifting since i was 13, and started powerlifting around when i was 25. I know i can keep going and gaining strength if i keep learning my body.


how about instead of reminiscing of what you where become something better, you got a little ways to catch my numbers.

wednesday i hit a double paused of 405 (felt like i could do 4) and a single paused at 435 weighing 191 :fuckyeah:


I didn't burn myself out, I ran into some serious family issues with my dad and brother (both of my training partners) that made me lose all of my desire to keep training.


My body handled the stress really well with the exception of my rotator cuffs, which I need to see a doctor about before I do any benching again (135 hurts right now). I still don't really have a desire to have big numbers again. I'm very proud of what I did, but I can't see any reason to start powerlifting again at this point. I've been working on a new program that focuses very heavily on useable strength. I'm trying to blend powerlifting, bodybuilding, fitness, and strongman training together.


Edit: I don't want to put my body through the extreme weights and equipment again. I like not having constant bruising from my shirts anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I didn't read anything besides the first few lines of your post. It's all about calories in and calories out. Eat less, exercise more and they will go away. Circuit training is the single best thing for burning calories. Running while it's good for your heart isn't as good as doing dead sprints, bleachers, wind sprints and so on. Circuit training and shocking your system not only burns calories while you are actively doing the exercise but it also burns more calories when you are done exercising.


If you haven't already stop drinking pop/beer. Beyond that I can't help you. I'm on the other side completely. I've been doing my best to gain weight. Started 5 10" 145 and now I'm 5 10" 175. But seeing as how you don't want to gain weight I'd recommend doing what I said above. And they'll be gone sure enough. Or get lypo and they'll go away, at least for a while...:dumb:


And if anything I said was already said I apologize. I just don't like reading stuff...:yuno:

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I lifted until I was 19. Best bench was ~550 equipped and 405 raw at 185 in the gym. That was literally the week I quit, lol. I doubt I'll ever bench big again honestly. I have no desire to put my body through all of that again.


The guy I trained was my brother who was a 308. He hit 900 in the gym, but bombed when he opened at 800 in a WPO qualifier. IMO the second light was bullshit, the lift was good.


How are your joints?

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