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Sprint Evo vs Evo 3D vs Nexus S vs Photon


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I'm going to be rooting my EVO4G at the end of this month. Should be interesting. I wasn't a big fan of the 3D. It made my eyes hurt after a few minutes playing around with it.


Usering unrevoked to root is so easy.


I like my 3d so far. Don't use the 3d picture/video/game features at all. So it feels like a faster EVO to me.

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Usering unrevoked to root is so easy.


I like my 3d so far. Don't use the 3d picture/video/game features at all. So it feels like a faster EVO to me.


Thanks for the advice. I am a complete n00b to rooting so I may ask you more when the time comes.

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He's a noob too..ask me how I know.




Yesh I am. But I'm a more competent n00b now.


And on the Evo 4G, you can use unrevoked to root which is stupid proof. And then use ROM manager to load ROMs which is pretty stupid proof.


Anyways, I've flashed 4 different ROMs on my 3D today, and 3 kernels.


Found out my phone isnt stable when it's overclocked to 2ghz. It seems to like 1.7ghz.

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Yesh I am. But I'm a more competent n00b now.


And on the Evo 4G, you can use unrevoked to root which is stupid proof. And then use ROM manager to load ROMs which is pretty stupid proof.


Anyways, I've flashed 4 different ROMs on my 3D today, and 3 kernels.


Found out my phone isnt stable when it's overclocked to 2ghz. It seems to like 1.7ghz.



Oh how far you've come young one.


See, reading and comprehension aren't that hard at all!

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Yesh I am. But I'm a more competent n00b now.


And on the Evo 4G, you can use unrevoked to root which is stupid proof. And then use ROM manager to load ROMs which is pretty stupid proof.


Anyways, I've flashed 4 different ROMs on my 3D today, and 3 kernels.


Found out my phone isnt stable when it's overclocked to 2ghz. It seems to like 1.7ghz.


That's a little disappointing. I would have figured you could kick it up a bit more.

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That's a little disappointing. I would have figured you could kick it up a bit more.


I'm not going to complain about 1.7ghz on each core. Some people are stable at 2.0ghz. And some have been able to overclock to 2.5ghz on each core, but its unstable at this point.


I've been scoring 2800+ quadrant scores today.

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I'm not going to complain about 1.7ghz on each core. Some people are stable at 2.0ghz. And some have been able to overclock to 2.5ghz on each core, but its unstable at this point.


I've been scoring 2800+ quadrant scores today.


Aught, I forgot its dual core. Is that quadtant score on a Sense ROM, or AOSP? I can get 2600ish on my Thunderbolt OC'd to 1.4ghz, but that's on CM7. On a Sense ROM I can only get 1700ish, unless I use uber quadrant that comes with the BAMF ROMs, that nets me almost 2800.

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Aught, I forgot its dual core. Is that quadtant score on a Sense ROM, or AOSP? I can get 2600ish on my Thunderbolt OC'd to 1.4ghz, but that's on CM7. On a Sense ROM I can only get 1700ish, unless I use uber quadrant that comes with the BAMF ROMs, that nets me almost 2800.


Its a split between sense and aosp.

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Its a split between sense and aosp.


That's impressive either way. I was really liking it when I was messing with it over the weekend. Definitely a lot snappier than my phone on Sense 3. I'm excited to see what's out next summer from HTC. Although the new Google acquisition of Motorola is intriguing as well.

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