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Carfagna's,who's a fan?


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The Carfagna business was given to my 2 uncles by their father some time ago. The company is now run and owned (equally) by the 2 families, brothers Dino and Sammy. No, they don't hate eachother. There's only 2 locations, one is the meat store on 161, and the other is The restaurant on Polaris. They also have a warehouse here in central Ohio as well.


Didn't they have a little diner across from Columbus square up until the early 90's sometime?

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Good to know. Wasn't there another store location around 161 and 33?


Not that I was ever aware of.


Seriously? CR Discount in our future? :p If anyone can make that happen you can bauce!


I wish they would do that, but then everyone and their grandma would join CR for the discount lol.

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No, the location on Polaris is the only restaurant Carfagna's has ever opened. Do u know what it was called by chance? It could be another Italian family of relation.


Carfagna's Diner.


The building and sign are still there. Has been abandoned for 15+ years now. It's right next to the Buckeye Drive Thru on 161 across from Columbus Square

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