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Mattsv8 you should stick to dancing with your blonde haired buddy at the club like in the early 2000's , but do not fret we will have our race you will win but I am a man of my word.


I dont know if I was frustrated at not racing at all this year or what but...


To the rest of you That matter I am sorry I had an attack last night that I cannot quite explain, you see I could not sleep and was in a mood. Off my meds perhaps? but I assure you I will make more of an effort to continue my one sentence meaningless posts and help in tech when I can.


Now the trolls are safe for another year I guess.


Trolls got trolled and lolz were had by all.

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It's not That your a newb, your just really fucking annoying. Just lurk, learn how the board works, post only when it's needed. You are starting off on the wrong foot cause your not funny, your cars a turd Burglar, you have full conversations with people u can text, and did I say your really fucking annoying? Don't make me start a thread about you.


You are in for some long, hard, and slow e-rape with this type of post.


Your not ready yet. STFU. Did anyone mention that your new and annoying?


Eat shit.


just read your intro thread and saw you are AJ's brother. all makes sense. drive that 'maro off a bridge.




holy fuck new guy your annoying... take ur broke dick pos off into a lake with you along with it

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Way to be original guys, lets flame the new guy and call him annoying cause we know nothing about him, now lets put or helmets back on and head back to class now hmmm?


just read your intro thread and saw you are AJ's brother. all makes sense. drive that 'maro off a bridge.




You are in for some long, hard, and slow e-rape with this type of post.



Consider the lineage.. Make it violent. Meth heads FTL

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