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Food challenges and monstrosities


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Place in Grove City called "Hot Dawgs" http://hot-dawgs.com/


3 1lb hotdogs "Dawg Pound". http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/320137_10150289625807554_170111587553_8343625_1321305858_n.jpg That is one of them.





If you have the stomach for it, you can try the Melt challenge, you won't shit for a week though. The bread they use on them is killer. They use a really thick bread, that is really dense. I would say the bread alone is about 2 inches thick.

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Place in Grove City called "Hot Dawgs" http://hot-dawgs.com/


/320137_10150289625807554_170111587553_8343625_1321305858_n.jpg That is one of them.



If you have the stomach for it, you can try the Melt challenge, you won't shit for a week though. The bread they use on them is killer. They use a really thick bread, that is really dense. I would say the bread alone is about 2 inches thick.


NB4 racial comment.

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I've been wanting to do this one. http://www.joseppispizza.com/11/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=175 $100 cash, $150 in gift certs, shirt


I've done the Dagwood on a couple of occasions, insane to think someone did it in 3 minutes. Took me a little less than 20.



Did you do the Dagwood sammich or the challenge? I coulda put down the sammich alone in 15 minutes but I did their challenge that includes 1.5lbs of fries and I tapped out after 20 minutes; I decided that tapping out and having a pile of fries to enjoy the next day was far less shamefull the blasting puke for miles around in the parking lot...which is exactly what my roommate's brother did.

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Did you do the Dagwood sammich or the challenge? I coulda put down the sammich alone in 15 minutes but I did their challenge that includes 1.5lbs of fries and I tapped out after 20 minutes; I decided that tapping out and having a pile of fries to enjoy the next day was far less shamefull the blasting puke for miles around in the parking lot...which is exactly what my roommate's brother did.


Yeah, the challenge comes with 1lb of fries according to the waitress. I had to get extra lettuce on it b/c I don't eat onions.

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I wonder how hard the Pizza challenges are. I saw another place with a 28" challenge, that doesn't seem like a lot of pizza for 2 people. Do they pack it full of toppings or whats the catch? I slam large pizzas by myself, but feel there is more to it then just 28in worth of pizza lol
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Yeah, the challenge comes with 1lb of fries according to the waitress. I had to get extra lettuce on it b/c I don't eat onions.


That sandwich is still one of the most delicious things I've had. Whatever spread they put on the bread was simply amazing.


That place is disgusting though. I've never eaten somewhere (indoors or out) where there were so many flies.

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ok well 28" pizza is fucking huge. they are essentially conning idiots into trying to eat it. for example:


area of a 28" pizza: A= 3.14*14*14, Area = 615.44 square inches

area of a 16" (large pizza): A=3.14*8*8, Area = 200.96 square inches


so essentially you will be sharing more than 3 larges among 2 dudes. (sounds like a typical saturday night for Jones)


on top of that, i bet its loaded to the max with cheap, filling topings

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There is a newer(?) place in Powel called Two Mad Dogs. They have a Challenge for $20.


-Woody Hotdog (full pound all beef dog on a 24 inch bun) with Chili and 5 toppings

-1lb of Fries covered in nacho cheese

-2 whole Kosher pickles

-24 oz. soft serve ice cream

-32 oz fountain drink of your choice.


Finish it all in 30 minutes to get a "I TKO'D the Woody" shirt and pick on contest wall.

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ok well 28" pizza is fucking huge. they are essentially conning idiots into trying to eat it. for example:


area of a 28" pizza: A= 3.14*14*14, Area = 615.44 square inches

area of a 16" (large pizza): A=3.14*8*8, Area = 200.96 square inches


so essentially you will be sharing more than 3 larges among 2 dudes. (sounds like a typical saturday night for Jones)


on top of that, i bet its loaded to the max with cheap, filling topings


Yeah it's a ton of food. I can eat probably 1 1/2 larges myself, but that's just pepperoni or pineapple on it. I don't think I could eat a large meat pizza myself.

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Headed up to Ontario (roughly 10mins away) and stop at Johnny Biggs. Now this was the first time any of us had ever ate there, but I was aware of a little thing they call The Bigg Boss Challenge. Let me tell you, it definitley lived up to its name. Four 1/2lb pattys, lettuce, tomator, pickle, onion, oh yeah 2 grilled cheese sandwhiches tossed in there and 1lb of fries make up the challenge. The best part, you have 20minute in which you can do it. Game on, or so I thought haha. I attempted the challenge in which only 6 people have ever finished. Unfortunately I was not number 7 lol. I did pretty well though, I had 1 patty and a handful of fries left after 20minutes, for that I got a t-shirt. Unfortunately I had to pay $25 for my meal since I failed...oh well atleast I tried. Before attempting the challenge the manager brought out a waiver that I had to sign, stating that I would not sue them should I have a heart attack after trying this, that was comforting haha.


1. The Big Boss Challenge Burger:



2. What I had left:



3. The waiver I had to sign:


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