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Team Towanda Foundation - Breast Cancer fundraiser

El Karacho1647545492

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, or as I like to call it, "We all know what breast cancer is, we'd all like it to fuck right off, so lets do what we can about it" month.


My mom is a survivor, as are pretty much all her best friends. She was lucky and discovered the cancer during a routine mammogram, but not everyone has the medical access that she did. The foundation she helps run, called Team Towanda has a donor that will be putting up $.25 for every "like" the Team Towanda Foundation Facebook page gets, with a goal of 1000 fans that will pay for 2 uninsured women to get the screening mammograms they would otherwise not be able to afford. CR alone could triple that number and potentially prevent half a dozen women from discovering breast cancer until it is too late.


As the offspring of a very strong woman who could've been taken too early by an easily detectable disease, I ask all of you to do what you can to help us out. It's a very small foundation with nearly 0 overhead, and they carefully screen where their money goes to ensure as much as possible is towards actual research or benifitting people unable to provide for themselves.


Mods, if you can help me out by keeping this at the top of a page through the end of October, I'll do what I can to get each of you a Team Towanda cookbook (their other method of raising funds).


Thank you all for your time and attention,

Alex Caxide

CR Fuck Cancer Crew


EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, the money donated gets spent in central Connecticut where the foundation was started. They have purchased mobile mammography devices for Hartford Hospital, who has used to go to impoverished neighborhoods and help underserved women get the care they need. They have done quite a bit more than that, but thats an example of how donations are spent.

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