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how to get big bruh...meat cakes advice


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Did not watch video. Umad? :fuckyeah:


srsly mad.














































*hides in corner cause last time I challenged Admins decisions I got threatened to be locked in the oven*

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I think suplements are great yes some are all bs. But any protein and a good weight gainer will go a. Long way toward ur goals. I had a friend that looked like harry potter. 145lb anndd small as hell. I gave him some good workouts and told him he had to take protein and a weight gainer and he bulked up to 175 18"arms and solid as a rock. Most people in your shoes are hardgainers can eat everything but gain nothing. He got no attention from girls and when he got to 175 he was a manwhore. Couldent keep em off. But he didn't train for the girls he did it cause he didn't wana be so small and average. Wich is why I did it 6'2" and 160 is bs. I was my best fit at 211 and 9 percent bf. 18.5" arms. At 280 I was a lil bloated from how much food and crap I had to injest to train like I was. But was 280 22" arms 62"chest 34 to 36" waist. Now I haven't trained for a long time for real and I'm just a fat 280. But I'm at it again and hoping to lean out to 240s at least. Then build some more.
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all the people that have made progress know that getting whole foods works better then supplements

i do take some protein which supplements my whole food protein intake cause its hard to get enough in.

most supplements only add a placebo effect.


and anyone that just wants to get just get toned is a pussy, you get toned by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.

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My brother went the "beefy" route a few years back, personally I think he looks like shit. Remember once you put on all that muscle you can't just shake it off. My advice: stay lean, trim and tone and see how you like it, then decide if you want to get beef-caked.


Also should add that my bro was a chick magnet before getting all buff, after he added all that muscle the chicks dropped off substantially.


some chicks like skinny guys and hate when they get big.

id say about 65% just prefer you skinny and weak and 35% like a man who is strong, built and not a pussy.

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i can agree with the placebo affect with some supplements. I have not taken many, have never needed too. For some reason though last year i was stuck at 205lbs and could not gain a fucking pound. Thats when i upped all my protein and then started doing lower reps/higher weight. Now im hovering around 225 at 14% bf. Keep in mind im still bulking up to around 235 then cutting to 215/11-12%bf.
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Didn't you injure yourself in the Army?



This needs to be the focus and start point.


My guess is, under heavy or repetitive work load, you are someone prone to injury. Not saying that as an insult. But you need to approach this realistically. Lie to yourself, and you will be hurt again, equaling more down time to recover.

If you have never conditioned your body, played sports over a long period of time, worked manual labor, or just over all been active, your body needs time to make the change from the life style you have been living with it.


I'm a fan of P90X "type" programs. There are probably 300 people on here that have a downloaded copy. Get it from someone, or some program like it. You need something with structure for you and your body to learn and adjust with. I say learn, because if you knew how to train you wouldn't have posted this thread.


6 weeks. Your body doesn't realize the change in work load for 21 days. It takes that long for your body to get with the program. Your head, on the other hand, is all about it and thinks your body is caught up and on board with the new change. NO!!

First 3 weeks. Work with a P90X "type" program and go through it to learn it and how to do the exercises correctly. Form is more important than weight or repetition. Get the form down and the weight and repetitions will come a long. In the first 3 weeks, don't exert more than 80% effort. That's right, I'm saying don’t go to muscle failure or max out. You are still waking your body up from sitting on the couch and posting on CR all day. You need to find the fine line of getting a good work out, but not over doing it and getting injured. You might only work out for 15 minutes of the one hour training session. That's your start point. After 3 weeks, if you have no strained knee, tweaked shoulder, gimp ankle, or other area's giving you a problem, than go up to 90% effort for the next three weeks. And stay at it for the remaining 3 weeks. This is just at the point your body is realizing that it is going to be doing this regularly. Which means this is also a time when most people get discouraged and quit. You might not see any results in this time. And we are visually driven most of the time. We just aren't seeing the rewards for what we feel is 6 weeks of hard work. Remember, you have only conditioned and hopefully stuck on a schedule so your body is ready for more training. As for eating; eat to recover. Whether that means supplements or you eat good health food. Just eat to recover, and for the energy you need to train again.

So let's hope you have no injuries and everything has come a long well. By this time you feel great. You feel strong and confident that you are doing things right. Guess what; don't let your head swell. You still have tiny arms and a bird chest. BUT, you should be prepped for doing some weight training.

Now, you can call Sam and take him up on the invite to the gym. But now you have to get your head straight. Weight means nothing. You are there for you. And you are just starting so you can't give a fuck about what you MIGHT think someone else is thinking of you. And don't waste your time thinking about comparisons with some dude you sized up. Get your shit straight and learn to lift right.

Now, Sam is in a way different place than you are. He has trained for years and has a demanding, manual labor, hard working job. His body has conditioned, and he has also trained. So don't expect to just jump right in where he is. Hopefully he will emphasize the importance of good form, and lifting the weight to focus on the muscle group you are trying to train. I'm sure he would show you several different exercises. From there, you can talk to him for a workout plan. If you train with him, stay on his if it fits your goals. If you are going to train alone, have him show you how to do the exercises right and then either put a plan together from bodybuilding.com or go with the guidance from a trusted person you know, or a professional trainer.

When you start weight training, you need to go light weight. Spend the time to get the form right for the lift. One, so you don't hurt yourself and two, so you don't cheat yourself. I see dude's in the gym all the time whipping a 50 lbs dumbbell for a curl, throwing their whole body into it. That's a shoulder injury waiting to happen. Best part, they are bigger than me (I'm not that big a dude) but sloppy. My lift is precise, and my results are great definition and strength. Doing shit right has actually gotten me laid. Yup, I said it. Had a chick notice me in the gym. She wanted a test drive because she liked what she saw. Good times were had. Just saying, do shit right. It pays off.

Paul, being in shape is a way of life. The better you take care of yourself when you are younger, the less work it is to maintain good health as you get older. I love it when people call me old. Most people I run into in their 20's are getting fitted for a recliner and already thinking they are old, like a retiree. Fuck that. Be active and stay active. Go run, fatty. Eat right. And if you discipline yourself a bit to stay with a healthy way of life, you will be all set.

I’ll let the other guys tell you how to train. There are hundred’s of outlooks on this. But understand, what you want take doing it the right way for YOUR body type. Start now and you won’t have to have a nice jet ski to take the attention off your belly. Hahaha.

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Since my metabolism is retarded my usual day goes something like this:


Wake up and take my multi-vitamin, eat eat eat, pre-workout, creatine, gym, smash protein, creatine, eat eat eat, eat eat eat, eat eat eat, more protein, sleep.

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Since my metabolism is retarded my usual day goes something like this:


Wake up and take my multi-vitamin, eat eat eat, pre-workout, creatine, gym, smash protein, creatine, eat eat eat, eat eat eat, eat eat eat, more protein, sleep.


My day is similar except i add in a couple gallons of water

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You aint growing if you aint sleeping or eating.... Growth happens outside of da gym, Beleive dat!



If you want to grow follow these easy steps.



Eat 30-40g protein 6-8 times a day ( not gay ass supplements but whole fucking man food)


Eat carbs around your workout times, if you workout in the am take your carbs in the morning/afternoon. If you workout in the evening do the opposit.


Eat alot of healthy fats when not consuming carbs


Take bcaa's 2 times a day


Multivitamins are for people 50 years of age or older


Eat ALOT of green veggies


Pre workout drinks are a myth, you will forever be stuck in the thought of i cant workout them.


Creatine isnt just water bloat


5x5 method is old and out dated


westside barbell conjugated method is a joke


You will not get big by doing 10 sets of 20 reps


You must over load the cns and muscle in order for it grow and become stronger.



Dont be a pussy abs dont get the girls, no one has ever gotten huge naturally without gaining fat.

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Rippetoe's starting strength /thread








Tren / test stack :Gabe:


Rippetoes is junk, only works for 14 year olds who have never worked out and have testosterone production through the roof.



Paul go to elitefts.com and start researching, i would focus on under the bar and so you think you can squat.

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You aint growing if you aint sleeping or eating.... Growth happens outside of da gym, Beleive dat!



If you want to grow follow these easy steps.



Eat 30-40g protein 6-8 times a day ( not gay ass supplements but whole fucking man food)


Eat carbs around your workout times, if you workout in the am take your carbs in the morning/afternoon. If you workout in the evening do the opposit.


Eat alot of healthy fats when not consuming carbs


Take bcaa's 2 times a day


Multivitamins are for people 50 years of age or older


Eat ALOT of green veggies


Pre workout drinks are a myth, you will forever be stuck in the thought of i cant workout them.


Creatine isnt just water bloat


5x5 method is old and out dated


westside barbell conjugated method is a joke


You will not get big by doing 10 sets of 20 reps


You must over load the cns and muscle in order for it grow and become stronger.



Dont be a pussy abs dont get the girls, no one has ever gotten huge naturally without gaining fat.


all the people that have made progress know that getting whole foods works better then supplements

i do take some protein which supplements my whole food protein intake cause its hard to get enough in.

most supplements only add a placebo effect.


and anyone that just wants to get just get toned is a pussy, you get toned by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.



The two most important post in this thread.


Ps I still think your Hyundai is gay, Steven. Bicycling ftw.

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