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So are the people finally being heard ?


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I also wish I got to move to a new job and get to start out like I have up to ten years in already like your saying you could do. Must be nice to not have to start at the bottom.


If you change jobs, you should get a pay raise. You move from burger flipper to manager, pay raise. You quit from an engineer firm to work at Boeing as a engineer manager, pay raise. If you are going from a engineer to a burger flipper, get a better job.


My thoughts on over education. "Have's" should get it if they want it because they can. "Have Nots" will just have to deal without it or earn it.


Its sort of the way things work and why the world turns. We can't realistically educate all 7 billion people of the earth and then expect anyone to do jobs that are "beneath" them.

You can't simply give a degree to a person and then tell them to pick lettuce and pay them 75K/yr.


I have a lot of friends in lots of European countries and this is exactly what's happened there. Everyone can pretty much get a degree if they want one, they get it and then can't find work because everyone is qualified on paper, so experience becomes important, and more graduate each year adding to the mess.


We don't over educate. Statistically you can't do much with a high school degree. Even with a bachelor's, the job market is tough and does not pay well. Those who want it will go get it.

I teach and have plenty of slackers who are just getting by. Again it boils down to poor home lives, bad parenting. I had a parent show up 3 sheets to the wind twice to conferences. His son hated him and the kid did no work in my class. I would talk with the kid one on one, offer other projects, ask "how can I help make you successful?" He took 2 of my classes and failed both (I teach Industrial Arts). WTF does one do? How do you fail woodshop?


I agree above, the government at the state and federal level ruin education with all this testing bull. That is why the good kids get missed in class, teachers are trying to get the PIA to pass the exams to make school report cards better.

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