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Victims speak out about North Carolina sterilization program


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Here is an idea if you are on welfare the power company will not provide you with electricity unless you are disabled and need it to breathe. If you are jobless spend your time and day light finding work. When the sun goes down GO TO BED.
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lol Some of you are idiots and speak without thinking. I do think there should be some program to control 'breeding' but its not this. You dont fucking physically alter someone without their knowledge and permission. Also, just because you have money doesn't mean you're not a piece of shit who doesn't contribute to society.


And for some of you others... If you don't want retarded or physically unappealing people, then stop breeding. ;)

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There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country.


Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….


I agree 100%. I see so many kids being brought up in bad situations and being neglected and what not.


Personally, I believe that if you are on Welfare, you should also be on birth control, and und3ergo random (and frequent) drug testing. Also, that you cannot use alcohol or tobacco.


But... that will never happen...




Amen Brutha

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