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I think the voters are clear


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My son will start Kindergarten next year. The school reminds me a lot of the first one I was in. I am fine with it. It's the people doing the teaching and kids doing the learning that matter.


Coming from a supportive family with good parents, this is true. When you're talking about kids whose parents suck, its not.


Yes, the onus is on parents to make sure kids are responsible in school, but you can't just tell a kid to get motived or get better parents when they're in a home situation that is not supportive and is detrimental to their motivation and life.


I think schools are where many kids get their start down the wrong path; they come from a home where no one cares about them, and if they are in a building that gives them the feeling that no one cares about them, being taught by no one caring about them, they'll go through life feeling as though they do whatever they want because who cares, all their life they've never been anything but punished.


I constantly talk about my uncle's experience, but in Hartford th buildings feel like prisons. My uncle is a great teacher who has helped some really bright students achieve, but he laments the fact that there are so many more he couldn't help due to lack of motivation and support.


Why we don't throw all of our support behind those who help raise our children is beyond me.

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I don't understand why they wouldn't put half the money they get from levys towards making those run-down shithole schools better and the other half towards better supplies and matereals, creative teachers wouldn't be bad either, you know the ones who care about the kids and finding ways to keep them interested.
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