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Droid Razr vs Nexus

V8 Beast

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Do a factory reset and it should be fine. With time some of them start to get buggy so you have to basically start over... one of the bad things about androids.


If I could tolerate the size and operating system of the iphone I would get one. There is no doubt its a better system from a flow and reliability stand point. Working in the cell phone industry there are about 200 calls about android to every 1 on the iphone... and the iphone issue is usually user error.



P.S. Still loving the Razr!

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This is true? I was also debating on which of these two to get. I decided to go with the iPhone 4S. I just bought it a few hours ago. I'm done with rooting, roms and kernels...done!! If batt life is a concern...iPhone!!


I know...had enough of Droid life. Now I need a Macbook


iPhone 4S, beyotch!!!! Bye



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I just got to play with a razr. Looks better in person, but I still am not a fan of Blur. It is cool that they added proxy settings, where vanilla android still doesn't have the option.


Is the back of the Razr real carbon kevlar or just a print? The display (fake) model at best buy is a shitty looking printed pattern.

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Its definitely not real, but it wasn't just a print cause it had texture if I remember correctly. It's probably the same as the display model you saw.


Its real, motorola has rights to use the name because its real kevlar fiber.. Why they did it.. No clue. Its not like its thick enough to be able to stop bullets or anything. Looks more like a marketing thing. Its a little more scratch resistent and durable but thats about it.


Damn, I thought I had my mind made up but I cant decide between this and the HTC!!!

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Im getting the rezound. Its the best phone verizon has right now.


Top 10 Verizon phones. Some will argue about one and 2 being switched around.. But the iphone not having 4g dropped it down some overall. The newer phones could easily drop if issues are discovered. Having that clean slate works in their favor.


iPhone 4s






Droid 3


iPhone 4



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Im getting the rezound. Its the best phone verizon has right now.


Top 10 Verizon phones. Some will argue about one and 2 being switched around.. But the iphone not having 4g dropped it down some overall. The newer phones could easily drop if issues are discovered. Having that clean slate works in their favor.


iPhone 4s






Droid 3


iPhone 4




Depends on the type of person you are...


Touchscreen typing retarded:



Technologically retarded/hipster:



if you like HTC sense:



motoblur fan:



wear really tight pants:

razr will fit better, but iphone fits your personality.





still stuck in 1993:


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Depends on the type of person you are...


Touchscreen typing retarded:



Technologically retarded/hipster:



if you like HTC sense:



motoblur fan:



wear really tight pants:

razr will fit better, but iphone fits your personality.




still stuck in 1993:


:lol: win


If you rock skinny jeans get a razr. Nexus will probably top the list in a few weeks. The hd screen on the rezound and camera quality is awesome.

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the nexus has a barometer? wtf thats awesome. Now all it needs is a Doppler radar and id be sold.


Also, its amusing how android went from 2.3 straight to 4. The names they make up are fucking ridiculous though.


The OS names are going through the alphabet A-Z with dessert style names. Off the top of my head, Eclair, Froyo (Frozen Yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich.

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^You forgot cupcake and doughnut. Jellybean is supposedly the next name.


The GNex is so hot right now. All stock has been sold out, and the US/Canada/Hong Kong launch has been delayed until December 8th. Luckily the company I ordered mine from has 250 units locked in and one of them are mine, but even that shipment has been delayed about a week from the manufacturer. Still hoping to get mine around thanksgiving though.


You guys gon be so jelllyyyyyy

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