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NBA Lockout

Jizzle Juice

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No, they are overpaid cry babies. This just shows what is wrong with all pro sports. Bitching and complaining about money, you already make millions to play a fucking game. I remember Latrell Spreewell stating that he couldnt feed his family on a 10milllion a year contract, get the fuck out of here. I was a huge NBA fan when I was a kid and the Bulls were running shit, as I got older I realized that these dudes were bitches. They complain about wanting more millions, then when they do play they cry about every foul called or not called. You have "super stars" who can't win a championship, cough cough Lebron. I could go on and on. Hopefully they don't have a season, then they come back next year trying to regain the fan base they lost just like the NHL did, i'll take $10 tickets to a Cavs game lol.
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Why is that spoiled rich people can exploit the NBA players talent and not give them a share of the pie? Don't think about all the "superstars" with huge contracts, think of the players who are decent that arent getting fat checks, and depend on that revenue money!
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Why is that spoiled rich people can exploit the NBA players talent and not give them a share of the pie? Don't think about all the "superstars" with huge contracts, think of the players who are decent that arent getting fat checks, and depend on that revenue money!


51% isn't a fair share?


Oh, did anyone see the Union's lawyer turn this into a racial issue? lol what a douchebag

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Umm they own the team...why shouldn't they get most of the money? Its not different then any other business, the guy that owns it isn't in it to break even, he's in it to make a profit. The lowest played player that is active a whole season still makes more then 90% of the rest of the world.


"The league minimum salary is dependent on how many years the player has been in the league, but an undrafted rookie can sign a deal worth at least $473,604, and a veteran with ten or more years of experience will earn $1,352,181."


And they want to bitch about needing more money? Cmon now

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Never stated it wasn't, im referring to the billion that the owners get before it even gets split.


They are the ones who have risked their money. They should get first crack at the revenues

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They are the ones who have risked their money. They should get first crack at the revenues


You got it! If things go 'bad' for a season and the team takes a 'loss'... Do the players pitch in and help cover that loss? Hell no - they are employees and should be paid as such. Just another example of corrupt unions (like close to all of them).

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You got it! If things go 'bad' for a season and the team takes a 'loss'... Do the players pitch in and help cover that loss? Hell no - they are employees and should be paid as such. Just another example of corrupt unions (like close to all of them).


Exactly. If they want a bigger piece, they should take on the risk. Allow purchasing share options for players.

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