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Ouija Boards


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I have one. Haven't used it since I was a kid and we were at a friend of my parents house and I asked when the old lady that owned the duplex and lived in the other half was gonna die. Everyone freaked out and wouldn't play to let the board answer...she died the next weekend. Now no one to play with me....
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Is it made by Milton-Bradley? Then it is nothing but a toy.


Real thing, possibly different story in the right hands. I have had expeirences with them. Nothing I would ever believe or trust. But I will say, be careful, they are an open door and you might attract something you don't want or don't know how to deal with.

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So, my question to you is; Do you think they work?


A little more insight on my parents house. It was built in 1876. Its been in our family for about 40 years. Prior to my grandfather owning the house there was a fire sometime in the 30s. It burnt half the house down and killed one person. The part that was burnt down was rebuilt shortly after. My grandfather purchased the house in 1969, to which his wife (my grandmother) died 2 years later in the living room from a stroke. My grandfather moved out in 1986 giving the house to my father.


Since the death of my grandmother strange things have happened. personally, there was one occasion i remember vividly when i was little. The entire family was watching tv in the living room. We didnt have any pets at the time so i rule that out. The first floor bedroom which was my parents at the time had a GIANT dresser/vanity thing. Somehow it got knocked over when nobody was even in that room. Another time i was sleeping, and it felt like someone grabbed my leg then immediately let go. I know it wasnt part of a dream because when i opened my eyes my cat was wide eyed staring into the darkness of my bedroom. Another time i was on my computer late one night. In the corner of my eye i caught a figure sweep across the room in the reflection of the window. Turned around and nothing was there.


My father, still to this day, swears that when i was an infant he would hear footsteps going up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, along with the faint smell of cigarette smoke, when neither of my rents smoked. He too said he experienced someone grabbing his leg one afternoon when he was trying to sleep. Keep in mind i hadn't mentioned to him that it had happened to me until he said something.


So, Thats where my intuition to use a ouija board comes from. The movie paranormal activity did give me the idea. I think it would be interesting just to see what happends.

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lots of words


Yeah, you have some ghost shit going on all right. You're going to need to invest in some EVP recorders, and make sure you document every sketchy thing that happens.


Ghosts are like trolls. They like to push things every now and then, but they almost never do anything really crazy because they don't want a permaban. Mostly it's just an annoyance or entertainment depending on your outlook. They can be baited with the same tactics, happy hunting!

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