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Tight ass's


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Since I have joined all the trolling has made the site less enjoyable. You can hardly have a useful thread with a bunch of shit being dumped in it, and most of it really is not funny.


In the end there really is no good answer. You can ban the "funny" trolls and then people complain. You leave the trolls and people bitch because they destroy useful threads.

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Since I have joined all the trolling has made the site less enjoyable. You can hardly have a useful thread with a bunch of shit being dumped in it, and most of it really is not funny.


I would say the easy answer is to throw it (Anything that gets completely off track) in the Kitchen or whatever it's called now and limit that area to members with "X" amount of posts or senior members or something. THEN, if it goes too far, step in from there.


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I can't speak for anyone else, but I thoroughly enjoy Gabe and his antics. This place would get really boring real quick if it weren't for people like him.


There's a difference between intelligent trolling and just plain stupid trolling, at least in my opinion.


girl look at dat body





















































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And sorry Gabe, you are but one in a line of many trolls to darken our doorsteps


I know im not the first.


Truth. Without us around this place would be a ghost town/Snoozefest except for the occasional thread of people complimenting and giving tug jobs out for having a nice car.


Gotta have BOTH ying and yang.


+1 it would be boring


Since I have joined all the trolling has made the site less enjoyable. You can hardly have a useful thread with a bunch of shit being dumped in it, and most of it really is not funny.


In the end there really is no good answer. You can ban the "funny" trolls and then people complain. You leave the trolls and people bitch because they destroy useful threads.


Not true. Useless threads will get met with useless replies. Thread shitting used to be the norm, but it has faded from that. Thread shitting falls outside of troll society norms these days.

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Allow anyone to say what they want about anyone else or any shop. That should be there right as long as not a threat as we know... Jeff came off as talking down to in his words " pick up's" but does anyone get butthurt and demand it removed? No, Cus he should be able to say what he wants just like anyone else. Course that's just how Jeff is, we have learned to accept it;) ( just playing with ya Jeff)
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Allow anyone to say what they want about anyone else or any shop. That should be there right as long as not a threat as we know... Jeff came off as talking down to in his words " pick up's" but does anyone get butthurt and demand it removed? No, Cus he should be able to say what he wants just like anyone else. Course that's just how Jeff is, we have learned to accept it;) ( just playing with ya Jeff)


I didn't "Talk down" to anyone. I didn't feel like typing it all out so I replaced "PUP" (Just because it looked weird) with "Pick-up's" so the OP would know who I was talking about.


IMO, I shouldn't be able to take shots at other shops and/or clients of other shops (Justified or not) just to stir the pot or create issues on here. All it does is create stress, head-aches, and drama for no reason and I have a funny feeling the mods have enough to do as it is lol. I shouldn't be able to put similar opinions in my sig. Doing it in the first place is incredibly childish but being allowed to do it is a different thing all-together.


If you don't think posting "XYZ" would fly on the person's or shops Facebook page then I don't think it belongs on here UNLESS you are posting a positive/negative review on a business that you ACTUALLY did business with. That would never apply to another individual.


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Allow anyone to say what they want about anyone else or any shop. That should be there right as long as not a threat as we know... Jeff came off as talking down to in his words " pick up's" but does anyone get butthurt and demand it removed? No, Cus he should be able to say what he wants just like anyone else. Course that's just how Jeff is, we have learned to accept it;) ( just playing with ya Jeff)


So your saying we should let any Joe Schmoe off the street that has a computer log in here and internet beat down our PAYING sponsors? I dont care if its PPC, Dynotune, IPS or even Powder Haus these companies pay to advertise here and if we let everyone slander the shit out of them for no reason then they will leave and CR wont grow, period. Eric you yourself pay to be a sponsor and you are good at what you do, I just dont understand why your bent out of shape about this.



If issues were presented and explained with fact rather than troll slander then there is no reason to remove it ( not directed at anyone in particular) from a Mod/Admin standpoint.

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Honestly, what more could you guys want? There is a section for trolling, bashing, ranting whatever the fuck you want to do. Newbs get their own threads and bashed on a regular basis in there. Ringokid? MjrSplat? Granted some of those people put up with the crap and stick around, others don't. We rarely close down threads unless its something that has been blown way out of proportion.


We are always being told how unfair it is that our moderators start this crap and don't get punished for it but the average person gets infracted or banned. Well thats not the case. Ben is no longer a moderator. And even Wagner has an infraction.


Erik, as a sponsor on this board, I would have assumed you would understand more so than anyone how damaging it can be to a business to have some random person that isn't even involved take a simple comment and turn it into something its definately not. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone posting crap about you in a situation like this.


Kind of sucks when you are in our position as we know and are friends with some of the people involved in these situations. But as we've been told over and over, in situations like this CR needs to be run as a business. And thats exactly the course I took with this. And yeah, i'm sure there are a lot of butthurt people over it.


All of the rules, infractions, everything else has been put into place because everyone wants it there.


Everyone complains our children of today are too protected and people get butthurt too easily. Well its not just children, its adults too. A lot of people on this board needs to grow some balls and not take everything so serious. And others need to learn where the line is. Even the trolls seem to understand not to cross the invisible line. (Except Phil in the winter time. Time to get the dust off the ban hammer.)

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Honestly, what more could you guys want? There is a section for trolling, bashing, ranting whatever the fuck you want to do. Newbs get their own threads and bashed on a regular basis in there. Ringokid? MjrSplat? Granted some of those people put up with the crap and stick around, others don't. We rarely close down threads unless its something that has been blown way out of proportion.


We are always being told how unfair it is that our moderators start this crap and don't get punished for it but the average person gets infracted or banned. Well thats not the case. Ben is no longer a moderator. And even Wagner has an infraction.


Erik, as a sponsor on this board, I would have assumed you would understand more so than anyone how damaging it can be to a business to have some random person that isn't even involved take a simple comment and turn it into something its definately not. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone posting crap about you in a situation like this.


Kind of sucks when you are in our position as we know and are friends with some of the people involved in these situations. But as we've been told over and over, in situations like this CR needs to be run as a business. And thats exactly the course I took with this. And yeah, i'm sure there are a lot of butthurt people over it.


All of the rules, infractions, everything else has been put into place because everyone wants it there.


Everyone complains our children of today are too protected and people get butthurt too easily. Well its not just children, its adults too. A lot of people on this board needs to grow some balls and not take everything so serious. And others need to learn where the line is. Even the trolls seem to understand not to cross the invisible line. (Except Phil in the winter time. Time to get the dust off the ban hammer.)


I think there should be a line drawn on who can and cannot become a sponsor. Is there even a rule on this?

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So your saying we should let any Joe Schmoe off the street that has a computer log in here and internet beat down our PAYING sponsors? I dont care if its PPC, Dynotune, IPS or even Powder Haus these companies pay to advertise here and if we let everyone slander the shit out of them for no reason then they will leave and CR wont grow, period. Eric you yourself pay to be a sponsor and you are good at what you do, I just dont understand why your bent out of shape about this.



If issues were presented and explained with fact rather than troll slander then there is no reason to remove it ( not directed at anyone in particular) from a Mod/Admin standpoint.


I'm not bent outta shape at all. And yes people should be able to say what they want, most here are smart enough to tell the difference bt truth and bullshit. What phil said was not banable is all I am saying.

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I didn't "Talk down" to anyone. I didn't feel like typing it all out so I replaced "PUP" (Just because it looked weird) with "Pick-up's" so the OP would know who I was talking about.



If you don't think posting "XYZ" would fly on the person's or shops Facebook page then I don't think it belongs on here UNLESS you are posting a positive/negative review on a business that you ACTUALLY did business with. That would never apply to another individual.



Jeff I said you came off that way, not that you did. Just the wording of what you said. Idc either way just what I noticed.


I would post anything anywhere including a fb page, but that's just me a straight shooter who holds back for no one. But I see what you are saying, not everyone is like that thus they talk shit and speak untruths. I get both sides really.

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I'm not bent outta shape at all. And yes people should be able to say what they want, most here are smart enough to tell the difference bt truth and bullshit. What phil said was not banable is all I am saying.


Phil was not banned. BC is fucking with him and made him miserable from what I understand.

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I think there should be a line drawn on who can and cannot become a sponsor. Is there even a rule on this?


It's already a rigorous process in which Anthony has a 1 on 1 2 hour conversation with the potential sponsor face to face on skype through a dial up connection.

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I have been on here on and off since 2003 and I agree that CR is totally different than what it used to be. When I first came back it took me a while to get used to the trolls. For a long time, I got so pissed off when I got trolled. But eventually it started to become funny and I just play along now. I made it to just a handful of event over the years and never really met a lot of you. Over the last year and a half I have been more involved in CR than ever and I have made it to more events in the last year and a half than I ever have. Really what changed my mind about this board is meeting a lot of the members and realizing that some of the same people that trolled me were the nicest people to be around and hang out with. Its not personal and its all in fun. OG CR was what it was but its still an awesome thing today. I dont always agree with some of the decisions that the mods make but they are doing this for free and there is a bit of work involved in it. There is no way Anthony could keep this place going as busy at it is by himself so maybe we should keep that in mind when slamming them and give more thanks for them maintaining this place. Not being a suck ass, just stating some facts.
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