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CPD Blows up a geocache

Rally Pat

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To play the devil's advocate, I've only recently heard of this geocaching nonsense that people apparently do when they have no life, and I think I'm fairly well versed in today's culture and activities. Even still, if I were CFD or CPD, I highly doubt my first instinct would be to hop on geocaching.com to see what it's about. Not everyone is a nerd.


It has nothing to do with being a nerd or having no life. It's about doing something for free and enjoying being outside. It's better than being inside playing video games all day.

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Geocaching is plenty of fun. My son has a blast searching urban and wooded areas for caches. Only douches/bros/or fat kids wouldn't understand.


Oh I understand. I just think it's stupid to assume that everyone in the world knows what geocaching is, and that it would be the obvious answer to what an ammo can is doing in the woods.

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Oh I understand. I just think it's stupid to assume that everyone in the world knows what geocaching is, and that it would be the obvious answer to what an ammo can is doing in the woods.


Most of them (can't speak for the one blown up) say "OFFICIAL GEOCACHE" in giant orange letters on the side of whatever container they're in, usually with an explanation of what Geocaching is underneath the lid for the people that find it and don't know what it is.

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Most of them (can't speak for the one blown up) say "OFFICIAL GEOCACHE" in giant orange letters on the side of whatever container they're in, usually with an explanation of what Geocaching is underneath the lid for the people that find it and don't know what it is.


Was unaware. Consider me educated.

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Why was it in an ammo box? Does that not seem stupid to somebody? The ones I have seen before were in rubbermaid type cases.


Weird, I thought ammo boxes were the container of choice for this. Cost a couple bucks, watertight, compact, durable, metal, easy to bury, etc.

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There are around 20 ammo cases in Columbus. I've seen numerous types of containers.


FYI you can't just hide it in the woods and call it done. Whoever owns the property has to know what it is and why people are looking for it. So whoever property this cache was on. Should have known.

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