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While the country was celebrating...


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I'm still curious if this suspends Posse Comitatus Act. What's funny is that it only pertains to the US Army and US Air Force. The DoD has just a regulation prohibiting the USMC and Navy from acting aswell. There is loopholes to everything, so it doesn't suprise me. I believe 1BCT 3ID out of Ft.Stewart is the acting QRF (Quick Reaction Force) for Homeland Security. Don't know if that still holds true today, but a few years back they were gearing them up for that role.



You are correct about 3ID being on call. We do so much bs training getting ready for whatever. It isn't just 1BCT though. October 2011 was the first month since the 2 conflicts started that the whole division has been home. Bits and pieces of each brigade are included. Really glad I crew blackhawks now. Life isn't much fun on the ground. Hats off to those that can keep doing it.

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Don't worry guys, the Occupy movement will save us. People got off of their parents' couches and into tents to really show the Man that they are fed up.


At first I was like "ROFL +1, haha, good one man". And got up and as happy guy and went to get a coffee.


Then a couple minutes later I was over by the coffee machine and looked at myself in the reflective coffee machine... "hmm, well shit" (catholic guilt mode: activate!) "at least they did something mr coffee getting guy. Anything."


Then I sat back down feeling sad.


Fucking aimless activists. Making my coffee bitter.


Ron Paul. To get my happy back.

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serious story:


i was in bloomington, indiana a year or so ago for the OSU football game, then again a few months after for camping. on this one street corner theres a TINY little park where homeless bums were living, both times.


fast forward to last weekend, at the same tiny park, tent city is setup with "OCCUPY BLOOMINGTON" as their theme.



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How many of you are doing something to promote positive change and prevent things like this from happening again in the future?


How many of you are answering the above question by saying Im voting for a different president to fix the problem?


How many years has our government dug us deeper into a hole?


After years of failed presidents why do people still think voting is enough to make a real change?


...Until we have enough people willing to get their hands dirty we will continue be a group of complainers getting ass raped while posting on the internet.


I vote for phil as president, he can shit talk our country out of anything :gabe:

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