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Local Music Scene


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I know some of you guys are in local bands and play music. I thought id share about a local band that is doing very well here and that I happen to be involved with. It might not be your style of music per say, but they pull from many different genres and have built a worthy fan base in this region because of their unbeatable live set. In November they sold out the Newport (1,700 person cap) and we had to turn away about 300 that couldn't get in because of fire codes. A lot of big things are happening with labels, touring ect. and its cool to see they are local guys. The last "big" local was OAR if you want to consider them local. Here is some stuff from them. Its all work safe, no swearing, no BS, just good music and a white kid that raps.


Oh and Jeffro has been to several of their shows. Thanks for the support man, it doesn't go unnoticed.


Here is the website if you want to know more about them and what they do.



Live at the Newport in Nov.


Here is an example of the diversity in the music. Much softer.


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Yeah that's true Jeff. I believe it was OAR and the cap then was like 1,300. We are flying out to LA for a week on Friday to meet with labels, including Redbull Records. Apparently they have a nasty headquarters there. There won't be a Columbus show till sometime in the April timeframe and it will be at the LC due to crowd size. Ill keep you posted.
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Macpyro is always jammin to this stuff..... not bad, havent made it to a show tho


Haha yeah Steve went to the Delaware branch with me, Tyler(singer) and Jeffro. Steve has seen it go from like 10 fans to 10,000 which is really cool.

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Its awesome to see a band start from nothing, evolve and be as big as they are. Props to tyler he for sure has a special gift. Seriously an awesome show, even if you don't particularly like there music its still a blast.


Mike, Drew and I where talking a few days ago we need to get back to BK for a reunion.

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Its awesome to see a band start from nothing, evolve and be as big as they are. Props to tyler he for sure has a special gift. Seriously an awesome show, even if you don't particularly like there music its still a blast.


Mike, Drew and I where talking a few days ago we need to get back to BK for a reunion.


Hit me up next time you go to a show Ill roll with you.

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Its awesome to see a band start from nothing, evolve and be as big as they are. Props to tyler he for sure has a special gift. Seriously an awesome show, even if you don't particularly like there music its still a blast.


Mike, Drew and I where talking a few days ago we need to get back to BK for a reunion.


do you still have my cell #? PM me if you don't. We will be out of town till mid next week, but we can after that.

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So what is it you do with/for them? Promoter/manager?



Just being nosy


I grew up with Tyler (he is Twenty One Pilots). I know it sounds dumb to say "best friends", but our families spend christmas together and vacations as well. I started helping him out a few years ago with driving around and setting up type stuff. To help them gain ground my dad offered some of his networking to the music industry and then it kind of took off from there. My role now is a paid position as their official tour manager. I deal with all things tour. Promoters, venues, logistics and currently i accommodate labels when they fly out to see us while on tour. I also do all the driving (which i love).

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I grew up with Tyler (he is Twenty One Pilots). I know it sounds dumb to say "best friends", but our families spend christmas together and vacations as well. I started helping him out a few years ago with driving around and setting up type stuff. To help them gain ground my dad offered some of his networking to the music industry and then it kind of took off from there. My role now is a paid position as their official tour manager. I deal with all things tour. Promoters, venues, logistics and currently i accommodate labels when they fly out to see us while on tour. I also do all the driving (which i love).


Mike, Please never forget me. Because these guys are gonna make it. and im srs.


edit, drunk post ftw


but no srs, im srs.


quadroople edit;

this is going to hurt in the AM

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