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Movie Review: Warrior


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Go watch this film!! I rented it on demand and litterally watched it 5 times with in 2 days. My wife pretty much hates this movie because I kept watching it haha. Nick Nolte plays the father of 2 sons that don't really get along with him or one another. The one son Tommy (played by Tom Hardy) is a Iraq war vet who has come back to town angry and drunk. The other is Brendan, a highschool physics teacher who is about to lose his house to forclosure. You can definitley sense that a lot of hurt has been done in the past by everyone in the family as neither of the sons really talk to their father nor to one another.


Tommy goes into a gym that trains MMA fighters just to workout and hit the bag a few times. While tossing some punches at the bag, a top contendor knocks out his sparring partner and is looking for a replacement. Tommy quickly states that he is willing to fill that void, after being scoffed at first, he gets his chance to spar with one of the best in the world. Little does everyone know that Tommy is an amazing wrestler and apparently an animal when it comes to fighting.


Brendan fights in a match held in the lot of a strip club. He too is an amazing wrestler, unlike Tommy he is more calm and technical vs Tommy the wild animal looking to knock your head off. His highschool superintendant catches word that Brendan is fighting and suspends him for the semester. With only 3 weeks to go til his house is foreclosed on he seeks the help from a friend who owns a gym that also trains MMA fighter.


There is a superbowl type event being held for MMA fighting called Sparta, it features all the top middleweight fighters through out the world. The winner of this event lands 5 million bucks!! Tommy is entered in after the video of his beatdown goes viral and fans request him to be there, Brendan gets entered in after a top contendor goes down with an injury. The twist is, neither of the brothers know one another is entered in the tournament!!


With out spoiling the movie I will stop here. Sorry this isnt the best review but its hard to go into details about this movie without giving a lot away. I had never seen a movie with Tom Hardy in it, the only bit I have ever seen of him has been the prologue for The Dark Knight Rises since he plays Bane in that film. I was pleasantly suprised by his performance in this film, not to mention the dude is jacked and a beast lol. Nick Nolte gives a really good performance (prob my favorite role of his outside of the 48hr movies). The movie is filmed in the style of Million Dollar Baby and Gran Tornio, real grainy and rugged (if that makes sense).


On a side note, I just read that Nolte is 70 years old?!!

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I just watched Band of Brothers the other day and realized Tommy in Warrior is in in and looks like he weighs 130lbs, fuck he must of bulked up.


He's been pretty "bulked up" since he was in Bronson. His breakout movie was probably Inception and now he'll be Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.



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