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Ok, this is somewhat weird for me to do, but in light of what was posted in the Hind's thread, I feel compelled to say my piece.

First, in these types of situations, it gets to a point at times where we all have favorites. We all feel a certain place is better than another. Opinions get taken to be fact and that the facts make things feel worse than they were intended.

I have been belittled with a string of mis-truths. I posted my responses to what was stated and then after reflecting a bit, decided it wasn't to be shared with everyone. It's bad enough that my full name and where I live and what I do is out there for everyone to see.

I've enjoyed this industry since 1993 when I first started working at a shop in the parts department. I started working there because I was starting my racing in 1993 and I wanted to get stuff cheap. :D

But, I found out that I loved the stuff and became rather involved in it. My dad and family were all racers. We have some friends that were professional car racers and it was always something I wanted to do. Up until the late 80s when I found out what road racing was all about. I'm not a child prodigy. I started riding at the ripe old age of 19. I started racing 3 years later and never looked back.

Unlike what was stated, I am not just an instructor with STT. I raced competitively from 1993 until 2005 in road racing. I dabbled a bit in Supermoto and did OK at CRP and some NASMOTO stuff. I also did some MX racing if you want to call it that. Was never a winner, but I never finished last, either.

Through the 14 plus years, I have been around the modern era bikes the whole time. Been around some great guys like Reuben and many others that are top AMA caliber builders. I don't know shit about MX that much, but have been around a good number of AMA crew chiefs and mechanics that are MX based and have learned a few things. As far as vintage stuff? I have not a clue...

But, I decided after almost getting a divorce, I had a choice. Stop racing or be alone and away from my son and wife. I decided to quit. I think when I quit I was doing pretty good. Finished well in points and even did ok in some National events. Nothing to write home about, but I had experienced a lot of cool things. I was ready, I guess and I did some MX and Supermoto in an effort to fill my racing void. Never was the same.

STT came about at a time when I was just coming off a paid ride in the WERA Endurance Series. When I say "paid" it sounds really cool. But, it was a rich guy with ex EMGO bikes and he simply paid for everything and all I did was show up. Worse experience ever... STT was a great chance to still ride on closed courses and be a part of the sport a little more. Maybe be a part of helping someone get into it or help them become better as a rider. It's been one of the best experiences I have ever had.

As far as my job goes, you all know now that I am a motorcycle industry sales rep. I never mention it because I think it doesn't mean anything and shouldn't be a base of why I say what I say. I also hate being hounded for stuff as it gets too common...

The luxury I have with my job is that I can meet a lot of people and a lot of dealers. I have over 70 dealers currently and I try and recommend the ones that I feel are good shops to those in those areas. Now, I am in PA and WV and have met some great shops and great people.

Unlike what was stated, I have been doing this for about 11 years. I have always been able to get the territory to where it is making increases and we have always had a good solid footing in the regions I covered. In those 11 years, I have only been down maybe 2-3 years... This year has been a tough challenge due to being uprooted from the territory I was in for the last 9 years and placed into a new and exciting area that was mis managed.

We forecast great things this year even with the slow start... So far, the top dealers are doing well and up YTD vs. what they are used to... No pats on the back, but just trying to show I don't have many dealers thinking poorly of me.

Not that my work is something you all need to know about, but I pride myself on getting to know the dealers i work for. It has been implied that I only cater to Iron Pony. They are in fact the biggest dealer for a majority of reps in this state. They have ALWAYS been great in terms of supporting the companies in our industry. However, it isn't all fun and games and there are times I have not been so well thought of by them. But, in the end, it is a business and I respect EACH AND EVERY one of my shops that do business well.

Pony is the source of a lot of what was stated in the other thread. I don't even have any of the other shops anymore in CBus. That's a choice those shops made long ago. I have respected their decisions and it is working so far. I think there are two shops in CBus's market that are great choices. Outside that CBus area, there are a TON of great choices. However, HNW and Pony get my vote as to what I have first hand knowledge from.

The things that causes me some issue is that there are some mis-truths made. I do in fact handle each of my dealers well and they will certainly validate my work ethic and abilities. I see my dealers on a regular basis and even though I wish I were sitting at home on the couch as implied, I am on the road a lot. I have the luxury of being able to surf the internet while waiting or doing what a lot of you despise in texting and responding while driving on the freeway or while getting gas, or while eating lunch by myself.

I feel I need to apologize in an effort to make amends and to drop this from going further. Jeff Hinds is probably a good guy. He probably has been in business for as long as he has due to many reasons and he certainly is still afloat in this industry. They say the cream rises...

So, I apologize for giving out my opinions. For stating what I have heard. I hear things from MANY dealers and industry people about MANY people and MANY shops. I was simply saying "What I heard..." nothing more.

I will state that I wanted to let people know that not every item can be ordered as there are requirements established by companies. I may not be that savvy in terms of what goes on in a dealership 100%, but knowing the distribution side of things is something I know a great deal about...

The thing about the internet is that I can type in an accessory or a shop and get a million different opinions. Some good, some bad. In the end, there are those that are true and some that are just people that are bitter and there are some that are opinions but are laced in truth.

To all of you that think you are minions or followers, I am sorry. I only try and take the knowledge that I have gained and help those of you looking for answers. On the internet, it is a tough thing to do. There's a lot of tricks being used and a lot of times, you can fall in them and not know it until it is too late. I only try and help. Oftentimes, I play Devil's Advocate in an attempt to make someone prove what they are saying. Works a lot in showing the real truth...

If someone asks me what is better, I tell them based on what I have heard and what I know.

Jeff, I am sorry if I offended you. We have met on a few occasions. I do not get paid by Pony (wished I did), I do work hard and I am successful in my territory and there are no dealers that feel I do not take care of them. I used to race and did well for myself. STT is a great opportunity for me to give back and to help others in this sport. I could care less about being the fastest STT guy, but thank you if you think that. I think I can say with confidence that I have helped some and have given them good info to chew on.

I may not know a lot, but I do know a few things about this industry. I have had the privilege of helping some really cool companies in their Sports Marketing programs when helping some pro riders. I have had the blessing of working with industry leaders in our sport. I have met some wonderful people with some really unique insights that most do not share. I have also been around some successful dealers that I try and share their successes so others can hopefully be successful, as well...

Please, let's drop this once and for all. I will PROMISE to not mention your shop, your name, your anything if you can promise to keep me out of it, as well. I have heard from a few people that you have called some shops. I would ask as a professional to another professional to cease doing that. I will be courteous and civil towards you only if you can do the same for me. Trying to smear someone is not cool at all and can damage a lot more than just sales. I assume you have not done any of these things, but please if you have, let's call it a day...

Good luck with your shop. I wish you and your family great success and great health.


Brian Healea

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f- hinds and their marketing scams... did a little digging myself

Honestly, man... If we can not mention anything here, that would be stellar. If you want to say anything, that's cool, but leave it in that thread. I don't want to be associated with anything here forward.

I'm just here to help the ones I can and if that's all I can do, so be it. No more input in terms of where to go, etc unless I have 100% concrete info from MY experience...

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