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Mexican Drug Lord Officially Thanks American Lawmakers for Keeping Drugs Illegal


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Well hell yeah.... it's like prohibition. Before the law was passed... moonshiners couldn't make shit. But after, the were rollin in the dough. A lot of them formerly worked at distillerys too, so they really knew the business. American laws made that fucker rich, and are keeping him rich. If the US government started selling coke, he wouldn't have a dime to his name.

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This will just lead to more frivolous spending in an attempt to STOP drugs ONCE AND FOR ALL. HAHA, that's a joke. We should legalize most of the shit, tax the f*ck out of it, and guess what, no more national debt after just a few years. On top of that, the US government gets the money, instead of drug dealers, and scum like this f*ckin beaner. No more people being killed in drug deals gone bad. I think it is a very radical idea, but obviously the "war" isn't working.

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there still comes problems with leagalization..........

Yes there does. There would have to be a shift in tinking for it to happen... but legalization is the answer to many problems. The fact is... we are spending billions on the war on drugs. The other fact is... we are fucking losing the war on drugs. So, what's the point?

Personally, I feel that if your dumb enough to snort coke... smoke crack... smoke meth etc... you should be able to. I'm not your fucking daddy, and I don't need to try to save you from yourself.

BUT!, when you fry your brain... I don't think we should pay to keep you alive. I don't think tax dollars should pay for ANY medical treatment as a result of your actions. Also... if YOU steal to support your habit it should be perfectly legal to shoot your ass.

The government wants to spend more money... and people are getting rich smuggling drugs. So why don't the feds start making coke? You would know it was good shit... and they could make billions.

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Yes there does. There would have to be a shift in tinking for it to happen... but legalization is the answer to many problems. The fact is... we are spending billions on the war on drugs. The other fact is... we are fucking losing the war on drugs. So, what's the point?

Personally, I feel that if your dumb enough to snort coke... smoke crack... smoke meth etc... you should be able to. I'm not your fucking daddy, and I don't need to try to save you from yourself.

BUT!, when you fry your brain... I don't think we should pay to keep you alive. I don't think tax dollars should pay for ANY medical treatment as a result of your actions. Also... if YOU steal to support your habit it should be perfectly legal to shoot your ass.

The government wants to spend more money... and people are getting rich smuggling drugs. So why don't the feds start making coke? You would know it was good shit... and they could make billions.

agreed......... my issue lies with certain jobs still need to be drug free. i drive a petroleum tanker and i really can say i dont want some jackass being able to hit the open road in one of these bombs!!

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agreed......... my issue lies with certain jobs still need to be drug free. i drive a petroleum tanker and i really can say i dont want some jackass being able to hit the open road in one of these bombs!!

I said it should be legal. I didn't say you had a right to have any job you want. As adults we all make decisions, and we are supposed to live with the consequences that those decisions may bring about. While snorting coke may not require a jail term if federally legalized... that doesn't mean you not going to be randomly drug tested to be a petroleum tanker driver. I also wouldn't want my surgeon to be stoned out of his goard. Ya know... common sense would pretty much dictate what you could and could not do as a stoner... and that wouldn't really be a change. Currently... some jobs drug test and some don't. Stoners seek out jobs that dont'... and they would continue to do as much. Nothing new or unusual there... we just wouldn't be spending billions to lock people up for having 20 rocks of crack anymore. This tactic would also eleminate street level dealing. If the government produced it legally... there would be no more need to pay for bribes, no more need to pay for guns to shoot boarder guards... no more shipments lost in transite... so the government could produce it uber cheap and undercut anyone else in the business. Supply and demand would put the cartels out of business over night and put billions back into the governments pocket. Damn... for once the government would be able to spend money THEY MADE to instead of our tax dollars. Legal or not... i'm not going to put that shit in my body. I don't do drugs because I choose not to... and I have high aspirations from my life... but hey... to the fucktards out there... have at it. Snort your way to nirvana.

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^ I'll third that.

I think that if drugs ever were legalized, random drug testing should be required for employers that way it is a, "do it at your own risk" sort of thing. I don't know what the legalities would look like with this thought process, but the details could be worked out. There does need to be limitation put on this idea of legalization, but I think over all, it's a good idea.

It's sad that we have to think about the government stepping in and producing/distributing drugs to put drug dealers out of business, or at least, slow their profit stream.

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The thing about legalization that worries me is that there's the possibility that the government stuff wont be as good as the stuff we've got now...


i dunno, i've "heard" medical marijuana is quite baller.

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The thing about legalization that worries me is that there's the possibility that the government stuff wont be as good as the stuff we've got now...


The CIA invented LSD.

Docs invinted morphine and all the other good opiates.

If drugs were legal, there would be no reason to half ass or cut it. They could sell a more pure product because there would be fewer bribes to pass out and fewer small people in the loop. FDA approved 100% pure cocane. They already produce small amounts for lab reserach... so why not step up? It would be cheap, it would be clean, and it would be way more certain than the shit you buy on the street mixed with Ajax and baking soda and whatever else.

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