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weird dream


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see, the ancient romans were pretty genius people. the common perception is that the aqueducts were constructed to move water from city to city, and to and from bodies of water. these were massive structures constructed by a large amount of workers, and took a considerable amount of time to construct, sometimes on the name of years, perhaps decades for some of the larger structures. what scientists failed to realize when studying these, was that they actually weren't intended to move water. they were actually constructed as a crude sewer system, diverting truckloads of cum out of cordell's great great great great great grandfathers ass. he was a harlot and town whore. such a storied civilization as rome is now tarnished with that discovery.
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i had a wierd dream the other night too, i was taking a shit in a toilet that was outdoors in the middle of a park and there were all kinds of people walking around and then some guy walked by with his family and got pissed off at me for shitting outside and he ran up and punched me in the face. then I woke up. i cant really figure it out, was he mad because his family saw me pooping or because i was being a bad example for his children
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this whole thread is gay




haha That second guy looks like a f'n cartoon character.


I've been having a lot of 'nightmares'. Not really nightmares, but not always good, either. Mine have all been about vices I've quit in the last couple years. Smoking and eating like shit.


I have dreams of eating things Im not supposed to. Last night, it was a room with people and filled with pastries and the like. lol I took a bite and then felt guilty. Later, I had a dream where I decided to smoke a cig, tho I never actually did it in the dream. I've also been having a few where Im in a public setting with just a pair of boxer briefs on. Sometimes Im embarassed but occasionally, I'm looking good again and not giving a shit. haha

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