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Lol drug addicts


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SPRINGFIELD — Police are investigating how a female patient allegedly stole used syringes at a hospital and injected herself with the remaining drops of medication.

Officers were called to Springfield Regional Medical Center, where staff said a woman had damaged a sharps container by placing a cup inside to catch used needles. Nurses reportedly found more than 20 pieces of syringes in the patient’s room, a police report said.

Staffers told officers they believed the woman may have injected what was left in the syringes into her own IV.

After finding used needle heads — some which were labeled for other patients — in her room, nurses administered a blood test. The patient tested positive for medication not prescribed to her.

As of Tuesday afternoon, no charges were filed against the patient.

The incident is a unique instance of someone possibly seeking a drug fix, said Charles Patterson, health commissioner of the Clark County Combined Health District.

“We’ve heard of people sharing needles before, but we’ve never heard of someone recycling needles trying to get any kind of drugs out of the needles after it was used,” he said.

A few droplets remain in syringes after they are used. Most would have to be taken apart to use the medicine within, said Sandy Miller, nursing supervisor for the combined health district.

Such use poses health risks in terms of unknown drug interactions and blood-borne pathogens, Patterson said.

“Specifically, Hepatitis B, for instanc,e will stay around for quite some time,” he said. “You’ve got some fairly significant health risks that a person who would be doing this is taking.”

Patterson warned people to be observant before using a sharps container and to contact building administrators, police or the health department if they see something suspicious.

Hospital spokesman Dave Lamb said the syringes were taken only from one sharps container in the patient’s room. Not every room has one, which is why other patient’s syringes may have been inside. He added that the hospital is following protocols for disposing of sharps.

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We've got one idiot regular that comes to our hospital all the time that everybody just hates. The dude is like 32yo, Hep C+, 90lbs, and looks like he's on his death bed. He usually comes in in DKA because he's stupid as shit and ate half of his fridge, or, he comes in with 'chest pain' or some other BS excuse so he can get some morphine or Dilaudid, which the docs usually give him so as to keep their approval scores/ratings up (that's a whole 'nother subject with me...). He's been busted with insulin syringes stuffed in his shoes, he's been busted shooting up heroin in the parking lot through his IV, he's been busted with his hand stuffed down into a sharps container, and the latest thing they busted him doing is also the nurse's fault. She gave him a tablet of morphine and left the room to go get him some water as he had nothing to take it with. When she walked back into the room, he had already crushed it up, and was heating it up in a spoon left over from his lunch tray. She promptly took it from him and washed it down the sink, leaving no evidence for the police.


He hasn't been back for a while though. Last I heard was that he got arrested on drug charges. Imagine that. The world is full of useless people.

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We've got one idiot regular that comes to our hospital all the time that everybody just hates. The dude is like 32yo, Hep C+, 90lbs, and looks like he's on his death bed. He usually comes in in DKA because he's stupid as shit and ate half of his fridge, or, he comes in with 'chest pain' or some other BS excuse so he can get some morphine or Dilaudid, which the docs usually give him so as to keep their approval scores/ratings up (that's a whole 'nother subject with me...). He's been busted with insulin syringes stuffed in his shoes, he's been busted shooting up heroin in the parking lot through his IV, he's been busted with his hand stuffed down into a sharps container, and the latest thing they busted him doing is also the nurse's fault. She gave him a tablet of morphine and left the room to go get him some water as he had nothing to take it with. When she walked back into the room, he had already crushed it up, and was heating it up in a spoon left over from his lunch tray. She promptly took it from him and washed it down the sink, leaving no evidence for the police.


He hasn't been back for a while though. Last I heard was that he got arrested on drug charges. Imagine that. The world is full of useless people.


Now we have to pay for his jail time

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We've got one idiot regular that comes to our hospital all the time that everybody just hates. The dude is like 32yo, Hep C+, 90lbs, and looks like he's on his death bed. He usually comes in in DKA because he's stupid as shit and ate half of his fridge, or, he comes in with 'chest pain' or some other BS excuse so he can get some morphine or Dilaudid, which the docs usually give him so as to keep their approval scores/ratings up (that's a whole 'nother subject with me...). He's been busted with insulin syringes stuffed in his shoes, he's been busted shooting up heroin in the parking lot through his IV, he's been busted with his hand stuffed down into a sharps container, and the latest thing they busted him doing is also the nurse's fault. She gave him a tablet of morphine and left the room to go get him some water as he had nothing to take it with. When she walked back into the room, he had already crushed it up, and was heating it up in a spoon left over from his lunch tray. She promptly took it from him and washed it down the sink, leaving no evidence for the police.


He hasn't been back for a while though. Last I heard was that he got arrested on drug charges. Imagine that. The world is full of useless people.


All too familiar story, we get pt. likes this all the time at my place of work.

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