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so to defend how creating these jobs is good for the economy, someone who has a job will spend more money in this economy than someone who has no job


Ryan there's a lot of flawed logic in that statement and I'm not going to go over it all now. Please understand government employees for the most part don't generate anything, they merely leech from those that do. You can't take money from a group, give it to one person, and say that one person is boosting the economy with their spending. That's like attaching a fan to your sailboat to fill the sail when there's no wind.

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I understand what your saying, its almost like the government trying to throw money at a problem, kinda like when bush had the stimulus checks sent out, he was trying to band-aid a bullet wound so to speak. on the other hand, that's how we pulled out of the great depression in the thirties as well, I'm not saying the system isnt flawed, but no matter how little it may help, I suppose its better than nothing.
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