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Fuck you all

Guest Hal

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Interesting, albeit flawed, conclusion. You're way off on all of your assertions, but this is nothing new.


Sensitive is not a word I've ever heard used to describe me by anyone with an IQ higher than mayonnaise. More often I'm criticized, correctly, for having too little empathy or emotion toward what others think.


My return was not random, I simply responded to an invitation from Brian. You may recall that I was no longer able to access CR due to my disagreements with Mr. Concrete-foot himself. Our lonely cripple just didn't seem to grasp that he never held any real power over me. I've also never been banned from or infracted on another site:fuckyeah:.


Good sexuality attack. I didn't realize we were going with elementary school insults. My response is that I am rubber and you are glue.


I do hate people and places, but I have an insatiable lust for life.


0/10. You're response was not well thought out nor was it accurate in any way. I've provided plenty of ammo for an appropriate flame, but you don't seem to be able to function at the level required to use that. You may rework this flame for up to half credit if you wish.


What I think is great, is the fact that you really believe I'd read the previous 2-3 pages of shit I don't give, just to whip up a long, thought out, spirit crushing comment to you. I have been here for fucking ever, but not nearly as long as you, and I still can't say that anything you have said has ever been worth two fucks of care.


I have to admit, I got a pretty good giggle from your suggestion that people often criticize you as having "too little empathy or emotion." Of course you come off that way, being an OG tuff typer from CR's past. In the typical internet bully fashion, you portray yourself as a wannabe witty internet hard ass, but I'm sure in real life you're just like one of those dickless fucks that orders a decaf soy cappuccino with 8 sweet and lows at Starbucks, all because you can't stand the taste of coffee and read milk is bad for you in the latest Seventeen magazine.


That's fine, I'm going to let you play on CR after your long hiatus... I bet you have a lot of tweeting to do about how much you hate life, and wish Creed would come out with a new CD. Life is tough dude, but don't let it get to you.

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What I think is great, is the fact that you really believe I'd read the previous 2-3 pages of shit I don't give, just to whip up a long, thought out, spirit crushing comment to you. I have been here for fucking ever, but not nearly as long as you, and I still can't say that anything you have said has ever been worth two fucks of care.


I have to admit, I got a pretty good giggle from your suggestion that people often criticize you as having "too little empathy or emotion." Of course you come off that way, being an OG tuff typer from CR's past. In the typical internet bully fashion, you portray yourself as a wannabe witty internet hard ass, but I'm sure in real life you're just like one of those dickless fucks that orders a decaf soy cappuccino with 8 sweet and lows at Starbucks, all because you can't stand the taste of coffee and read milk is bad for you in the latest Seventeen magazine.


That's fine, I'm going to let you play on CR after your long hiatus... I bet you have a lot of tweeting to do about how much you hate life, and wish Creed would come out with a new CD. Life is tough dude, but don't let it get to you.



AYE, can i get a iced americano bro?

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OG tuff typer from CR's past



I can't let that slide.


Hal joined in 05. Late 05. Hal would not have survived years 1 through 4 of this place. He is not an OG tuff typer. He is, much like yourself, a poser. You two are two sides of the same coin, thinking that at some point you have done something to earn some cred around here, and both being dead wrong.

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What I think is great, is the fact that you really believe I'd read the previous 2-3 pages of shit I don't give, just to whip up a long, thought out, spirit crushing comment to you. I have been here for fucking ever, but not nearly as long as you, and I still can't say that anything you have said has ever been worth two fucks of care.


I have to admit, I got a pretty good giggle from your suggestion that people often criticize you as having "too little empathy or emotion." Of course you come off that way, being an OG tuff typer from CR's past. In the typical internet bully fashion, you portray yourself as a wannabe witty internet hard ass, but I'm sure in real life you're just like one of those dickless fucks that orders a decaf soy cappuccino with 8 sweet and lows at Starbucks, all because you can't stand the taste of coffee and read milk is bad for you in the latest Seventeen magazine.


That's fine, I'm going to let you play on CR after your long hiatus... I bet you have a lot of tweeting to do about how much you hate life, and wish Creed would come out with a new CD. Life is tough dude, but don't let it get to you.

Deciphering the word salad of a first paragraph was fun...


Am I supposed to care whether or not you like what I post? Is that supposed to be some sort of insult? Are you alluding to me being insignificant in some way? That's actually a good laugh coming from a nobody like yourself.


I don't just come off as having little empathy, I really just don't care. You can believe it if you want, but based on your statement, you think we're living in a dream world. Last I checked, I'm sitting here typing this. This is real life.


Following an attempted emotional attack, you transition into questioning my manliness? Do you have some strange infatuation with my genitals? This is the second time in a single thread you have referenced my dick. Even aside from your obsession with my meat, you can't even form a coherent attack. Is someone really supposed to be offended by the questioning of their drink of choice? Even beyond that you think that suggesting I read certain magazines or listen to a specific band somehow destroys me.


Why don't you try again? It goes without saying that you have been wrong on all accounts, yet you still flop around valiantly searching for some sort of weakness within me. I'm sure you'll get tuckered out eventually and slither back to your hole, but until that time, I look forward to more ill advised attacks from your feeble little mind.

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Hal has to agree to come.


I can't let that slide.


Hal joined in 05. Late 05. Hal would not have survived years 1 through 4 of this place. He is not an OG tuff typer. He is, much like yourself, a poser. You two are two sides of the same coin, thinking that at some point you have done something to earn some cred around here, and both being dead wrong.


Hey now, don't group me in with Admiral Dipshit there. I am what I am, that is all. I'm not an OG, I thought that was obvious to most people. All the OG's have either retired or otherwise given up on what CR is.

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alex you should post more, lurk less


My calm, jovial demeanor belies my true nature; I am quite susceptible to trolling.



I can't tell you the number of posts I would have on CR if, after typing out a long ass rant I DIDN'T re-read it and think "you know what? not worth it. Fuck it" and deleted it all. I used to do it all the time, and TBH I think the flame wars were more fun back then. Maybe it was because I was a teen hopped up on testosterone thinking I was the shit, maybe they actually were more coherent and fun, but I used to think the path of more resistance was entertaining on CR. Now it just seems...I don't want to say immature, so I'll call it half-assed.


I miss the days when the CR keyboard warriors could actually get my blood boiling :no:

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Shall I tell you to kill yourself in some exotic fashion? That might be more appropriate for one of my previous incarnations. You let me know what get's ya hard, I'm here to please.


Meh, standard response nowadays I suppose.

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My calm, jovial demeanor belies my true nature; I am quite susceptible to trolling.



I can't tell you the number of posts I would have on CR if, after typing out a long ass rant I DIDN'T re-read it and think "you know what? not worth it. Fuck it" and deleted it all. I used to do it all the time, and TBH I think the flame wars were more fun back then. Maybe it was because I was a teen hopped up on testosterone thinking I was the shit, maybe they actually were more coherent and fun, but I used to think the path of more resistance was entertaining on CR. Now it just seems...I don't want to say immature, so I'll call it half-assed.


I miss the days when the CR keyboard warriors could actually get my blood boiling :no:


Says the Car Salesman...

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New sealant? Do you still have the Moostang?


no i was just kidding. Sold it to some kid on the south end. For about a month after i sold it to him he would call me and tell me things were breaking on it. First it was the alternator, then the transmission, then the clutch. i eventually stopped answering.

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