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If you could own any of the current android phones...


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which would it be? My company will reimburse me so I'm shopping for phones. I'm reading reviews but wanted to get some candid comments on here. I've used the Galaxy S II and its a great phone and pretty fast. However I'm reading some really good things about the Rezound. Having the beats audio is definitely attractive to me. I do prefer to be on Verizon to keep friends in network.


Things i'd consider important, in order of importance

Fast processor

High resolution screen

Qwerty keyboard - i still prefer this but won't be hung up on the option if its not available on a great phone

HD camera

Ability to root - not super important to me but i guess its nice to have the option to load roms...etc

Needs to have enough battery to get through a work day



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I'm with jones. The galaxy nexus is hands down the best phone I've ever had(says alot since I've had the last 8 android phones)



Yup, I think I've owned every iteration since the original droid. :dumb:


This phone is so awesome, I have no cares about what comes after it. It just rocks at everything. It's a notebook replacement to me.

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Motorola LOL


Haven't had a problem with the razr yet. With the Galaxy Nexus, I keep on losing signals, dropping calls. I'll get 4gLTE one minute and a Red X the next. It was pretty bad. And I had even more issues with the Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic touch with sprint. I eventually returned the Galaxy Nexus for a Razr. Yeah, I miss ICS, but it wasn't worth the headache.

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Motorola makes better phones than Samsung.




So what sets the nexus apart? OS?


When you see the Nexus name attached to a phone, it basically means it's Google's flagship phone. It's the way Google wants an Android phone to be. So you get the pure Android experience, no bullshit skins (sense, blur, touchwiz).


It will always get the latest updates. You'll be rocking Jelly Bean while these queers with sense phones are still praying for Gingerbread or ICS. It's the only phone that is made for ICS, so it doesn't have any physical buttons (besides power and volume rocker).


It's practically made to be rooted, really simple, and Google releases the system image so rooting and then going 100% stock takes 2 lines of commands.


It's also one of the VERY few phones that has NFC, and the gold connector pins makes for easy docking (no homo)


Only bad thing I see here is that you'll get the CDMA Nexus. It's fatter, it's not supported by google as the official developer phone, worse battery life than the GSM...but that's splitting hairs

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