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Ahh finally got her back, so whos down to ride 4/1 and 4/2 :-)


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Yep as title states just brought my baby home from the shop, and they actualy got all the parts they needed this morning so aside from a bath shes ready and good tilll the next maintinence which will be at bout 12k. Any so I work till 5 tomorrow and plan on riding till my @ss hurts lol. And 4/2 (Thursday) Im off the whole day so im down to do whateverall day :-) any get togethers! let me know pm your cell or if you want mine. look forward to meeting up with some fo you!

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sweet well i get off at 5ish so ill head home (5 min from my work) change and as of where to ride im not the greratest at setting that up as i only know west chester, hamilton, fairfield lol o and the springdale mall area other than that thats about it my cell is 513-432-4379

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Zuki I got your cell man. Ill hit you up 6-7ish prob gonna give her a bath and detail her in the garage tonight. mako pm your cell or post on here on meet up times for tomorrow. as for where we are riding no idea dont care just want to ride lol.

Edited by FocusDave01
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Zuki I got your cell man. Ill hit you up 6-7ish prob gonna give her a bath and detail her in the garage tonight. mako pm your cell or post on here on meet up times for tomorrow. as for where we are riding no idea dont care just want to ride lol.

we usually meet up at chipotle cincy mills. i can meet you up there around 430 or so. need to get my belly full first. hopefully some more of the cincy guys that usually ride will show up

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well i dont get off till 5ish then got to head home and change out fo work clothes but where u guys go from there i know where cinci mills is that mall had alot of potential much cleaner than tri county imo

I'm not gonna ride today I'm talking about tomorrow. I thought I read u were off tomorrow?

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yeah mako ill be at chipotle at 430 liek you said and mello ur welcome to tag along i guess its the chipotle at cincy mills? hope to see you out im not gonna be leavin here for a bit so lets meet up whenever but i agree im hungry as well

im not gonna eat (just got some free chicken and mashed potatoes :D) but you guys can grub if you want. i need to get with jerm and see what time he wants to meet up.

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im not gonna eat (just got some free chicken and mashed potatoes :D) but you guys can grub if you want. i need to get with jerm and see what time he wants to meet up.

well im takin off me and my bro gonna go grab chipotle somewhere and ill be at cycle specialties over on rt 4 for a bit so if you want to meet there just take my cell 513-432-4379 and call me as ill be out riding and not near a computer

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