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dirty april fools...

Benyen Soljax

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this one made my ass pucker for a good 5 minutes...

i recieved an email this morning about going into iran instead of iraq...it was well written too and from my team chief. scared the poop out of me until i realzed we would never go directly into tehran.

Edited by Benyen Soljax
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hahahaha, I did that to some people once, I sent them draft induction notices on April 1st. One was a girl, yeah, she was confused. You never know...

If you think no tour in Iran, you need to talk to my Special Forces friend that spent his entire Vietnam tour in NORTH Vietnam. You never know...

I will say the border between Iran and Iraq is getting to be quite an active area. Ever since the British left. (deja vu, this is like the fourth or fifth historical time British troops have left that area.) You never know...

BTW, you know who around here says "You never know" all the time? A young Iranian gal co-worker. She said that all the time. You never know...

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